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I am a TOTAL dummy when it comes to gadgets. You know the sorta thing , like getting ones son to set the vidio up mad.gif ......... Any way I bought this Garmin thingy that came with a very comprehensive hand book, so comprehensive in fact that I can't remember stage 12 when I'm at stage 19 blink.gif . I am sure that this book thingy is trying to tell me far more than I need to know and that I'm confusing myself with irrelavent detail unsure.gif .

So here's the thing......... Is there any kind and GPS fluent person out there who could give me an idiots tutorial (IN BABY STEPS!).

Idealy the fee would either be a contribution to the RNLI or a couple of pints of beer or even both I 'spose.




PS please do not give me GPS co-ordinates on how to find you as that would be too cruel biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Thank you for your offer Bob, it's realy good of you


It's a Garmin GPS76 .

...... I 've just turned it on and now I can't turn it of Ahhhhhg!


Can I confo tomorrow PM with Carol. I think she is having a house cleaning frenzy tomorrow and I'll get a bollocking for "Asking some one round with the house like a tip, yaddya yaddya" dry.gif Normaly if we have someone round we have to get new curtains, a new hall carpet and have all the pets nutered, and she's giving me strange looks these days too.......... unsure.gif



PS I'll post a message here re Sat pm, or if you want to 'phone me it's........

01202 570555


Mike, we could meet in a pub if you prefer. I know what these wifey's are like about having strangers in the house. You get all sorts of pre-conditions.


If you know a quiet pub local to you, let me know where and when. I could probably do it any evening next week, also, if you prefer.


Upto you matey. smile.gif


Bob F


By the way, you turn it off by pressing and holding down the POWER key for a few seconds.


Oh I threw the little b****rd against the wall , then jumped up and down on it. That soon put a stop to it I can tell you mad.gif


Mike biggrin.gif




Thanks for the giggle and the bottle of wine tonight.


I've downloaded the manual of your GPS. So, if you get stuck you can either reference the page in the manual or just give me a call. No need to wait till the next club meeting.




Bob F.


p.s T'was nice to meet your better halve. Who said Carol was a dragon? You's a big fibber!!!

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