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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Great write up Paul, you fished your t1ts off and deserve everything you got on Wednesday. Nice one mate.


Looking forward to some more of the stories coming through from the rest of the team. I know Duncan now has a report after a rather hard first couple of days for him. Looking forward to seeing that, which should be with us soon.




PS: I appear to have hijacked your post "Alderney Double" I didn't mean to, sorry.

Kind of happened last night when I was too tired to think about starting a new thread and posted in yours...


That Brill of yours was something special. Wish we had found the bigger fish too.




no sweat Tom- the picture section is usually for just that so that they don't become too big and hard for people with slower pc's to open


Im sure Paul D will transfer the chat to over to here




Paul J


A fantastic trip - thank you all for being so welcoming to me and Dave on our first excursion with the club. We really enjoyed the trip - superb weather, great banter and some really good fishing.


Well done Paul J for your red letter day on Wednesday - was great to see


Well done also to Tom and Duncan for showing us what can be achieved in our own boats and putting your respective crews over the fish. Your boats both looked fantastic in the water.


A particular thank you to Adam F for organising a seamless trip and to Chris Caines for putting us on the fish and Lyle for sorting us out with bait, coffee and some handy network (particularly for Richard the Badger).


I ended up with my first turbot and a few others to go with it and my first brill so was really chuffed.


Look forward to seeing you all out on the water soon.




Now im back down to earth with a bump ( went to work yesterday) it's time to thank the unsung hero of the trip.


Many thanks to Adam for all the hard work and stress involved in organising such a trip.


It was seamless, we waited and wanted for nothing- a job well done


Cheers Adam




I must admit.........that Turbot Lyle deftly netted was a dream to watch
come on Rich, tell us the story as i didn't see what happened with "Lyle the gannett"




I just wanted to thank Adam for all the hard work he did organising the trip. I know he had several frustrations pulling it together, but made a superb job of it!


Although not officially on the trip directly, I'd also like to thank him for allowing Quest II and Phaeton crews to join in all the fun too.

Cheers mate!




PS: Now, after my very genuine thank you to Adam, it has all gone very quiet from both the Franklin and Burt camps on their Alderney experiences....


...I can only assume that they are waiting to have the photo's developed of all those fish! wink.gif


I have just checked and although it was not as big as Pauls fish this year or Martins of last


duncans fish caught from his own boat is in fact a new Club record


Nice one Mate biggrin.gif


I am not sure how long it will stand with other boats going back again very soon


But its there now


New Club Turbot record 9lb 9oz

Duncan Mackie


May 5th 2006


Charlie biggrin.gif


Thanks Charlie, Tom and Paul.


Caught on the lightest gear I have fished - basically my bream rod, reel etc with a stronger 30lb snood and 4/0 hook.


New Club Turbot record 9lb 9oz

Duncan Mackie


May 5th 2006


nice one Duncan.........well done biggrin.gif



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