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As my body slowly disintergrates around a brain that still feels it's only in it's mid thirties, I have to think about technology giving me a hand.


I have seen on ebay and other places electric (12 Volt off the car) powered winches that fit on the winch post of the trailer. Apparently they can pull 5000lb on a level pull and recover at the rate of 6ft a minute.


Has anyone any experience of one of these doohickies, any opinions as to their worth in the terms of function?


Answers please on


For convenience......


plugs into vehicle so you don't need a battery on ya trailer.


keeps it away from seawater.


I intend to carry a manual winch, just as back-up.







Oh yus M8 biggrin.gif


2500lbs of pull ohmy.gif


Bit OTT for this boat, but came quite cheap and only just second hand wink.gif


Mike, you will know but for the benny of others you are, of course, only sledging your boat onto the trailer and the pull required is relative to the gradient of the slip. ( in lay language). EG, At 0 degrees (level ground) with good rollers you could push a large boat along a trailer. If you're on the max for your winch on a steep incline, you could use a snatch block and simply double up. This halves the speed of retrieve but near doubles the relative pulling power of the winch........ ish.


Where can you get a 'leccy winch for 60 squid unsure.gif ?







I keep getting tempted to get an electric winch as Helen finds it quite difficult winching the boat onto the trailer rolleyes.gif


Hi Mike ,


Have you thought of a two speed manual winch. I just put one on mine and the small gear is soooooo easy!!! wink.gif I don`t know the size boat your pulling but mines a warrior 165. I would imagine anyting much heavier would be hard work blink.gif




Andy admits.......It wasnt untill after we got it we found out that rollers on our trailor were Knacked & we didnt need it anyway !


Andy! laugh.gif You are a true weekend trailer sailor of the finest caliber biggrin.gif That remark guarantees life membership of the guild of cock up merchants of which I too am a member.


Any way you reckon one of these electric thingies is worth a go then?


Mad Mike


PS Gazza, my boat is a Sea Hog Samurai which is similar to the Warrior in weight. My problem is deminishing strength sad.gif

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