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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Left the mooring at 8.30 this morning and headed for the ledge, to see if we could repeat sundays success. The sea is oily smooth and we steam to the ledge at 34mph.

Paul, a long time friend, is crewing for the first time on "Aquafresh"

We arrived on the mark in double quick time and the flood was just starting to die. Rather than have to set the anchor twice, I decided to drift around the mark for an hour to see if anything was about and wait for the start of the ebb. 2 small wrasse was all we could summon up in that hour.

The tide started to ebb and we set the pick in 34ft of water. Bag and lead method sent the groundbait to the bottom and we both waited for it to do its magic. 15 minutes later and its first bite to me resulting in a lovely female of exactly 4 lb smile.gif

5 minutes later and Pauls in, eventually bringing to the boat a beautiful male of 3lb 14oz!!!!!

Another bag of groundbait and within 30 seconds Pauls got another of 3lb 8oz while I'm playing one that goes 3lb 10oz. All goes quiet until I drop another bag of groundbait and it takes 15 minutes this time before I have 3 dogfish on the trot followed by a small pollack then a pout, While Paul has another bream of about a pound and follows it up with of knocking 3lb.

We've got to leave at 12.15 and put the last bag of bait down. 15 minutes and I have one of a pound followed by another of 3lb 4oz. Paul has one of 2lb 8oz and loses one on the last drop and I manage a last drop fish of 2lb 12oz. biggrin.gif

So in total 10 bream to 4lb, 2 wrasse, 3 dogfish, 1 pout and a pollack in 4 hrs fishing.





WOW! biggrin.gif thats a nice haul of bream, your on fire at the moment cool.gif

Your groundbait seems to be doing the trick.

Im out tomorrow PM so hopefuly I will be getting in on the action biggrin.gif






Sounds like a top session!

For the layman (that's me) is there an easy way to tell the difference between a male and female Bream?( Just in case I catch one). Also what is a good form of ground bait and how do you put it on the spot?









Males are much more colourful than females and display iridescent blue stripes on their head and shoulders. You can see the difference in colour between the two sexes if you compare the two photos above.

The groundbait we have been using is as simple as liquidised squid mixed with bran.

To deposit the groundbait in the "spot" take a 20 pound class rod and attach a link swivel to the end of the leader, fix a pound and a half or a two pound lead to the link swivel. Get an ordinairy plastic carrier bag and drop the lead into bottom of the bag. Grab the two handles and make sure yhe lead is in the middle of the bottom of the bag and bunch the bag directly above the lead, take an elastic band and wrap it tightly around the top of the lead, around the outside of the bag.

Holding the two bag handles, insert groundbait so that it sits on top of the lead inside the bag, put reel in free spool, whilst holding the handles and lower over the side. When it hits bottom put the reel in gear and lift sharply, so that the lead inverts the bag and deposits the groundbait.

You can effect how far the groundbait dissperses by the amount you lift the bag off the sea bed, obviously the higher you lift the bag the further it will spread smile.gif





Excellant description of the carrier bag method of groundbaiting - I was just discussing this with Gordon ( the manic one ) before reading this.

Off to get some bran now ;-)


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