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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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They are very nice men, polite and extremely helpful and friendly.


I know them reasonably well as I have a habit of "forgetting" that the big bangs I keep hearing over my right shoulder have large firey lumps of metal attached that make a big hole in your boat.


Don't know the number though.... hmmm, maybe I should find out after my sentence above....?


My son was in the TA and a lot of their small arms training is done down near Exeter on a site very similar to the Lulworth ranges. Whilst they are doing live fire exercises one of their number is posted to an Ob'Station that is in a sort of hut on stilts overlooking the sea. In the hut are powerfull binoculars, VHF, and the microphone for a mucking huge loud speaker with a range of several miles on full volume.

The ranges have all sorts of red flags, warning marker bouys etc but the Great British Public can usually be relied on to totaly ignore these, hence the live look out.

If a boat is seen aproaching the danger area of over shots from the range, first off they try VHF then if there is no response the humongous Tannoy.


Well one day a lad (who shall remain anonymous) was on look out when a bunch of canoeists paddled their way past the red flags flying from a mast on the cliff and into the range area. Obviously they would have no VHF so the lad used the Tannoy.

"Attention canoeists you are entering Army ranges please turn round and leave the area" went booming out.

The canoeists stop paddling and look up to the sky. They have a little chat between themselves and continue paddling into the danger area.

At higher volume the Tannoy booms out CANOEISTS! STOP! TURN ABOUT AND LEAVE THE DANGER AREA!

The canoeists stop paddling and once again look intently into the sky, but do not turn round.


The lad in the hut having decided that the canoeists must be short of the odd brain cell. then carries on to say over the Tannoy .........



And would you believe it they did!


There were some complaints from someone, but unfortunately whoever was in the hut did not log in and no one could remember when several weeks later they were asked who was on hut duty.


Lulworth Ranges will not be firing weekends again until Sept in 2006


The number for up to date info (recorded) is 01929404819


Weekday fireing diesn't take place on BH, or the major school holidays, including the whole of August.


If you haven't programme ed this number in your mobile and are thinking of heading round midweek then call Portland on the vhf and they will be able to advise, alternatively Lulworth Range Boat on 08 or 16 - but by th etime you are in range (line of sight) you will be able to see the red flag flying on St Albans Head.............


Thanks for the number James


I had thought you had one to many zero's but I have called them and your number is right.


If you are interested they are fireing to 1700 today


But as the forecast is force 8 I doubt there are to many boats fouling the range today wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif

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