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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Wed morn weather forecast is real scruffy but we make the decision to have a look at 12-30 the forecast is 5-6 SE nice but the boat will lay nice down west.Time to go and tommy lapdance has cried off something about a weather report he's heard well that makes a change he's deaf as a post.

Steaming down the swash and all is fine not to bad at this time so we decide to push on so as not to miss the tide.On reaching our destination were all tackled up an ready to sling our hook, no Wey Smit chasing us at 26knts in thick fog today like the day before i must learn to leave my radio on.Anchor down for the third time this is getting boring were having to let so much rope out because of the weather.Alex gets a bream first chuck and i get hung in and thats where my terminal gear stayed latched on the sea bed to the Purbecks.

After another 30mins with no fish there were very loud explosions and plumes of water leaping out of the sea 1/2 mile south of us and were not talking 1or 2 it sounded and looked like the middle of Baghdad.We stood and looked at each other looking decidedly worried at what the hell was going on. then through the mist a sleek grey fighting machine apeared, what had we done wrong this time. I know we picked up joint first prize with Pugwash ie Mr Burt in the bream comp but was he that upset at sharing the money.Then like magic the vessel was surounded by plumes of water and more explosions, was this vessel a target boat and if it was we had better get out of here quicker than you can ski down everest because it was getting closer.

Any way after that sortee it slipped away in the mist and disapeared for ever and so did the fish until late afternoon.We made one more move and after another hour the fish came back on the feed at about 4-0pm and proceded to end up with some brilliant sport in very dirty weather . At 6-10 we decided to pull the hook and head for home the weather was such we pulled the anchor in aft to dodgy to be on the bow in this lot , will sort it when we get back.Well what can i say about the trip home three tide races to go through and strong wind against tide in the swash, it was washing machine time and interesting, the rain like you've never seen no vis at all along ballard.

Arrived back 7-30 boat didn't need washing off today nature had seen to that just had to sort the anchor out,so it was off to the guinness shop and watch the first half of the footy and home


To sum up the day plenty of good sized fish in the end, the stealth boat was worrying and the weather got interesting to say the least, every thing else was put to rights in the pub as the norm

Crazy and Co


Begin to get some insight into the reason for your name.................


Are you sure you haven't accidentially purchased a stealth boat yourself? If the range radar couldn't see you they will be firing - if it can they won't!


Glad the fish proved worth it eventually.


Fred were you taking incoming at Dancing ledge area?


Or have I read the post wrong and you were in the range area.


still a worry if they were using the range with a boat the size of yours in it.



Charlie biggrin.gif




I reckon the gunner had eaten some dodgy fish n chips the night before and couldn't see straight.

Either that, or he knew exactly where he got the fish and chips from and was simply a very bad shot!


I was putting a more personal tint on it Duncan


Our boats are the same size, and I would of thought that range safety would know the range was foul and not shoot.


Do not want to spend hours and hours [as Fred did] fitting out the boat to be taken out by "Friendly Fire"


That said I have seen enough Naval gunfire to know that if they could hit a 30ft boat at that range it would be a lucky shot.

[although I doubt if Fred would consider it lucky] wink.gif


I have a few marks within the range area, so I will need to check the Number James posted on another thread, next year before going there.


Charlie biggrin.gif





Was the range firing at the vessel which looked like one of those stealth types very low and grey, or was the vessel useing some type of defence mechinism ie come near us and well blow you to bits sort of thing


i am sure dad will know he talks about it enough lol laugh.giflaugh.gif


fred just think if i become a weapons engineer officer i will be incharge of some of them guns laugh.giflaugh.gif i would be scared



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