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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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np re the cards Tom


re the shoot I have kept out of it so far because dates adn availablility are everything!


If I see you out there when we are I will pop over.


good luck




Count me in please. Sounds great fun.


It would also be good if someone could bring a video camera as well ( Digital would be best - but I have an old analogue one if no-one has one ).


I have a nice new fangled DVD Recorder / editor etc and would be more than happy to compile a DVD with "action" shots.






Any Friday PM, Saturday or Sunday suits me providing it doesn't clash with the comps.


Talking of digital video camera's can anyone recommend a small lightweight one that can be used out on the boat and preferably stores data in flash memory. I bought one a while ago off a shopping channel but its rubbish.



Gordon H



Tom I'll come out with a broadcast quality video camera and take some footage for the club and boat owners if you like. Let me Know Dates etc and if you can piccys of the chosen camera boat so i can decide what tripods, poles and clamps i would need to bring as these are not the sort of cameras i would want on my shoulder all day on a moving boat.



Simon L

Tom I'll come out with a broadcast quality video camera and take some footage for the club and boat owners if you like. Let me Know Dates etc and if you can piccys of the chosen camera boat so i can decide what tripods, poles and clamps i would need to bring as these are not the sort of cameras i would want on my shoulder all day on a moving boat.



Simon L

If I can get away with borrowing it we will probably use a Merry Fisher 925 with a small flybridge.


Please make sure your gear is insured as although you will be, the camera won't on my insurance!


If you visit http://www.southernmotorboats.co.uk or http://www.jeanneau.fr you'll see the boat.


Baby 32 foot flybridge. Reasonable space to move about, good sized cockpit and small but usable flybridge.


Alternatively, if we still have her, our stock used Prestige 32 which will be that more comfortable on the bridge.


Dates: At the moment I would suggest a Saturday in a couple of weeks?




Hello Tom ,


Most dates ok by me except 11th to 18th of june where i will be doing best part of bugger all for the week on a Greek beach , apart from drinking and watching the football that is.


Pugwash , I like the idea of synchronised Orkneys , we could do the opening title bit to Miami Vice , where the two power boats are bombing along to the title music .

I think they actually used strikeliners for those shots . cool.gifph34r.gif


Obviously Tom , majority rules so if most can make it while i'm away so be it ,



Hi Tom


You missed me from your list  weep.gif  weep.gif  weep.gif






Sorry Dave


You are on.


You too Martin


1 more then for the first shoot.


DATES please.... along with some flexibility.



Can I come and play with my boat too please? One never normaly gets a chance of having photies of ones own boat clattering along.


Mad Mike




Don't go buying any blank CD-Roms as I usually get them dirt cheap from Novatech ( I assume it was a tongue in cheek remark but just in case ! ... )




Crezz...glad you are up for the synchro action thing! Miami Vice intro would be great. I could play the part of Tubbs!!!


Tom I'm available most weekends for the forseeable future. I will need to come from Christchurch so i'll get there as quick as I can


It's best if I fall in with the concencus (good word) rather than try and specify my own rigid dates


Perhaps we might be able to share a few thoughts at the next club meeting? Hope so.



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