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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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ive been gagging to get out for a while now, and as last week was blown off, today gave me the perfect chance to get out for the first time this year.


The plan was a session for the bream, and it was also a great chance to use the GPS for the first time that I got off BobF.


Znyway, steamed over on the little boat with Dom as crew to a spot that Bob had kindly left on the GPS. Found it first time and anchored up between Neo, who was a couple of hundred yards or so south and Marine bouy.


We dropped 2 rods each, one with worm/squid cocktail and the other on large double squid baits(these were twice the size of calamari).


It was fairly calm early on, with just a light swell, but it picked up quite a bit during the day getting a bit lumpy as the wind picked up.


First bite, dom gets a LSD , before my rod shakes in the rests as something angry picks up the bait.


Anyway, after a decent scrap, a massive Huss comes aboard, and considering ive never even seen a huss, let alone caught one, i was well happy. a few snaps and then weighed. It was so hard to get a diffucult weighing as by now it was lumpy so i took the lowest reading of 13lb 2oz, but considering it was bouncing much higher, im guessing the real weight woule of been around 15lb. But anyway, im happy to settle for the lowest weight.


as the day goes on, a few wrass come aboard, including a beauty cukoo to dom that was recorded at 1lb 5oz.



A few more wrass, another huss to me, but only about 5lb, before a move to xray.


just some dogs, before we call it a day as dom takes a turn for the worse with sea sickness. A decent day and some nice fish, but no bream.


I will post some pics after a brew in the piccy section.


Nice one lads, two fish in a sexh, both well over 100% speciman, The bully looks a good double m8, Ive had them up to sixteen pounds, and that one looks a good fish. Get back out there for athe 48 hr jobber chap, you'll need a fish of around 100% to bag it. Both of them are my target species for the 48 hr..........you have a reasonable chance of 100% with each, and wrasse are a heavy fish for their meagre size, so a cuckoo is always worth banging on the scales.



well done lads.




Nice fish Dan, we had a good day too.


Couldn't sleep so decided to head off earlier than the planned time, so persuaded my son, Mark, that he really ought to get into this fishing lark, dragged him out of bed and off for an 8 AM launch. Got to the mark whilst tide was still flooding and dead quiet at that time.


No worm, so fished purely with squid. Had a couple of doggies and then a couple of small huss ( bit more vicious than doggies I noticed ! ), then a couple of pout. No bream yet sad.gif


Then as the tide slackened got into a lovely conditioned female bream. Then Mark caught his first fish - a doggie.

Mark then hooked into something much better. A good fight and a female bream which weighed in between 3.25 and 3.5 lbs ( I took the lower weight of 3lb 4oz ) - quick piccie on his mobile phone and returned to fight another day. He was well chuffed.


Then it was my turn with a good sized male bream. PJ witnessed weighing back in the harbour where we compared sizes of fish. I forget the weight but was around 3lb I seem to recall ?


Plan was to steam around to Poole for the family day gathering but weather put paid to that, so went fishing instead smile.gif




Nice catch guys, and a clonking huss Dan well done biggrin.gif

They do show up quite a lot on the ledge at this time of year I think those big females come in to drop there eggs,I snared one a few years back at 12lb good to see there still a few out there smile.gif



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