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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Planned to fish the Friday, Sat and Sunday and target the bream for the 48 hour with a hope of getting a cuckoo wrasse and/or Bull Huss ( after all the mark I was fishing had seen all three at specimen sizes recently ).


Persuaded my son to fish on Friday, so left work early and got to Wick for a 5PM launch and off to the ledge. Blue Warrior and Dawn Raider were already out hunting for mackeral for an evening conger session. We also treied to help by finding mackeral but to no avail.


As I only had to aroudn 8-30 PM to fish I decided to stop the fruitless mackeral search and try for the bream. Anchored down between a charter boat and Dawn Raider and out with the baits. Dawn Raider reported a bream, so looked encouraging.


Very quiet to start, then had a burst of life with 3 or 4 fish in quick succession - all females so returned them all. Had a couple of other fish ( one conveniently caught as MarineBoy passed by smile.gif ) and then all went quiet again.


Then my solid C rod bent right around and from the runs the fish was making, I knew this was a good fish. After a 10 min fight this superb bream was on the surface. But my net was at home ..... So lifted the fish in one motion into the boat and the hook snapped as the fish hit the deck. I could not beleive the size of the fish.

Once on the scales it was reading a lower weight of over 4lb and average of 4.45lb

I knew this was a potential winner, so headed back ( passing Dawn Raider on the way back )


Shallow water going back in and a dink out my new prop ( still the winnings can pay towards that smile.gif ).


Back at Wick re-weighed the fish onland and it read a steady 4.45 lb ( ie. 4lb 7oz ).

Also checked weight on kitchen scales back at home.


Fish length was a massive 20 inches from tail to head. Awesome.


Saturday took Daniel Chapman out as crew and headed to the same mark to try to repeat the feat ( it wasd the same mark honest ! ), but as I had told Daniel that you don't get small bream on the ledge we proceeded to pull out 3 or 4 small ones along with pout after pout and the smallest pollock I have ever seen.

On way back into teh harbour tried for some mullet and nothing doing.


Sunday had a rest and sat on tenderhooks waiting to see what Mr Parker might conjure up ph34r.gif


Thanks to the organisers and all the other competitors for playing fair ( as many knew what was needed ).


Finally, I think it will be some time before I catch a bream as good as that one again.





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