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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After all the hype about how many fish you guys were haulin over the weekend i just had to have a go. After a long bosing days work i got home about 5:45 and hitched the boat on the motor and headed to Mudeford with my mate Daz as crew...(well actually i suppose i was crew as he was at the helm the whole evening as he used to work for Cunard and he steered the QM2 on its maiden voyage out of Southampton so he was skipper for the evening)....anyway got to the slip about 6pm and headed to X-RAY. Stopped about half way and found a shoal of mackys so feathered up a few until Daz had a go and lost my only set of feathers on his first drop, a bit heavy handed afetr hitting the bottom and snagging a rock. Got to XRAY about 7:15 and clipped upto a bouy. Stuck on a fat macky fillet on my "big rod" and a sliver of squid on my "little rod". Well after about 5 mins both rods are banging around.....hit the big rod and started bringing up the hardest fighting Doggy i have ever caught......then brought up a small bream on my little rod. This was pretty much how the whole evening panned out with Dogs and Bream up to about a pound coming more or less every drop. Back at slip about 9:15 and headed to MaccyD's for a bigmac meal and home. All in all a great evening out and good to see a few macky showing.





Yeah PJ i was, sorry bout not hearing you mate, was miles away and dont even think i turned the VHF on. There were macky splashing everywhere on the way out, i saw a fish lump out in the run on the way back in aswell. may have been a bass. The fish finder was showing quite a few fish around. Shame i lost the feathers as i would have probably had loads. Would have liked to of caught something decent though insted of dogs and small bream.



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