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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Managed a couple of hours out yesterday, got out there just on the high water slack had a couple of very slow drifts over the mark with live eels but only got Pollock and macky. Once the tide started to run the mackerel came at quite a steady rate. biggrin.gif

we then headed to a new mark for a bass, second drift had a nice 3 1/2lber for the barbie biggrin.gif

We were bit low on live bait so I slung out a dead mackerel for one drift and hit a much better bass, that after a spirited fight sored uptide and managed to find a snag, parting the line weep.gif .

also bagged a monster cuttle.


hope to sneak out again this week biggrin.gif



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