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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Everyone managed to get away from work on time and meet at the boat at the pre-arranged time. On board we have Rupe, Rob, the distinguished Mr Tom Bettle and myself.

We head out of the run and on the hunt for mackerel. As has been the case lately, it was a struggle and it took us the best part of 2 hours (I hear you Trev, be in touch early next week) to put enough in the tank to go proper fishing.

Well that was a struggle too. Half an hour or so of the last of the ebb and slack water sees just one bass of 2.5lb fall to Rupe's rod and Tom miss a couple of bites. An hour into the flood tide and Tom hooks a better one that leads him a merry dance for a few minutes, including a run under the boat requiring much dipping of rod, and a nice 6lber hits the deck.

A quick trip to replenish livelies and back on the drift for the last hour which just produces 2 fish of 3lb, 1 to Rupe and 1 to me, then its time to head for home.

An excellent evening to be on the water, in good company, with a large amount of p*&% taking, but the fishing could have been much better.

I put it down to the easterly wind, the low pressure, the tide was too fast, the tide wasn't fast enough.................... wink.gif







Nobody has ever referred to me as distinguished!!!

I am not sure if that is a compliment or after last nights banter a p1ss take!


Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed the company, the boat and the fishing!


Cheers Mate


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