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Andy and I had yet another expedition on sat. Sat on Whitehouse grounds for 2-3 hrs in strong tide for 2 mkrl and a 1lb B.Bream.Moved in under mile markers and trolled and drifted for another 2 hrs,for zero result. In desperation moved to the Ray mark.[our only consistant mark in 2yrs ] After only 5 mins had a very nice Thornback of 12. 1oz.[safely returned ].and there ended a truly tropical .wind free.days fishing.Thank goodness I caught something,I was beginning to think I was truly jinxed...cant say the same for Andy ,whose highlight of the day was mopping up 2 full mugs of just-made tea,lost from the cooker top when a kind asshole in a gin palace,whose name I have recorded in my Christmas list book, having had us in plain sight from Old Harry to the far corner of Ballard,passed us at anchor within 15' whilst at full belt heading into Swanage Bay.Which Planet do they come from ?....jack dry.gif

Posted (edited)



I couldn't pester you for the name of the vessel and did the brand begin with a J?


If so I think I may know the culprit!

I have been trying to explain to him that people aren't actually waving at him when he "buzzes" them to say hello.


If it was him, I can assure you he will be repremanded.



Edited by TomBettle

I claimed this chap [lady actually ] as a 12lb 1oz Thornback. but on seeing the photo I am in doubt. Is it a T/B or is it an Undulate ? It was very thorny ,but the wing markings don't look right... someone will put me right I'm sure dry.gif jack



I caould be wrong but it looks like a undulate.


I also had a rather hairy moment last year near Swanage bay. I was on way back from the Dancing Ledge across Swanage bay entrance when 2 large cruisers (identical) sped out and turned right, across my bow, the large waves nearly turn the boat over (well it was enough to knock everything over). They have no idea they had to give way.


Large motor cruiser named "J" something?


They have TWICE got us with their wash this year.


First time was approaching the East Looe markers off Poole, and they overtook us at high speed. The wash caught us almost full on the beam, as I hardly had chance to turn into it, and was so bad that stowed items below fell and broke! We must have been knocked over to 45


Hi Mike


I was asking Jack if the brand began with a "J", not the name.

I have one particular "new" owner who hasn't yet worked out that he shouldn't use other vessels as waypoints.

I have had discussions with him, but he hasn't yet comprehended what he is doing despite having completed a Day Skipper course and joining us on our West Country cruise and even the instructors telling him not to.

During our cruise he "buzzed" 5 or 6 boats, actually going out of his way to pass them fairly closely, often MUCH too closely and I am starting to get a little angry with him. His boat isn't wuite a gin palace, but is approaching the status so I wouldn't be surprised if it was this culprit that got too close to Jack.




Thanks Tom for clarifying!


Seems your man is not alone, however, and there are more than a few idiots out there, who could cause a few problems (if not real danger) for club members.




wink.gif Jack, cracking fish, a very good undulate, also, may I add what cracking trollies you are wearing kind sir!! Did you borrow those from Billy Short by any chance?????? If so, he'd like them back please wink.gif




Thanks to all for fish identification. As for my "trollies" ,They are handkerchief thin,Gymn trousers.If you had seen my legs in shorts,you would know why I was wearing them,And if you think they are dreadful,you should just see the "bright ones". biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif jack




as your face dosent appear im the photo could you wear the troliies at the next meeting as proof you were the captor?


There again dont bother -who else would wear them? biggrin.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gif



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