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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Paul D has just called in from the slipway at Wick to say that travellers has decended.


He's a bit nervous about leaving the trailer behind but has gone off chasing Silvers




Seeing as we pay to park there.........we should phone the council immediately, as they will, without a shadow of doubt be ready to remove items from cars, like wheels etc from 4x4's.


A very good way to combat these people, I found from my days as Plod, is to get on to the County Council, Travellers Taching Advisor, telling them that there are travellers at such and such location, with x number of children of school age, who are not in school. By Law, they are required to educate their offspring.......officially, not in the ways of the Romany wink.gif , and the slightest hint of an order to put these kids in school, will result in them vacating the car park immediately. This system worked very very quickly for me in Hampshire, alas I dont have a conatct number for them any more sad.gif


Hope this helps............these buggers will steal the horrors from your nightmares, so be warned!!!!!!!!!!!




Rich, all very different nowaday. I bet the council is sh*t scared of taking on the travellers in case it infringes their human rights to live as absolutely *&$$%*)$"

Posted (edited)

they have gone buy the time we got back but the guy was weird kept asking paul if he had any rubbish and me if i knew were ireland was blink.gif


my mates dad went up to one last year and got put in hospital by being stabbed sad.gif


Edited by sam the man

Tried your suggestion Rich and they came and took Sam away biggrin.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif


Seriously, there was no way I was leaving my trailer unattended amonst them, so parked in the other car park. Called council ( well Helen did ) and they were aware already.


After one of them kept asking me if I had anything to throwaway - I suggested he could give me his blue drum as it would make an excellent bait tank. Also told him he was parked in the wrong place blocking the slipway. ( Like they give a sh?t ).


Gone now but left all their rubbish behind so we can spend some of our hard earned council tax on clearing up after them.




The Councils are their own worst enemies on this subject, they are frightened of a rigid stance. The easiest way to get rid of these, is to ask them to pay the meter, give them ten minutes, then inform them that the ticket inspector is on his way. Then the council asks the constabulary for back up to prevent a breach of the peace.......hey presto, tickets issued, or breach of peace ensues, either way, these persons will not have an address which is suitable for service of summons, which means a section 25 PACE arrest, next available court, fine or imprisonment. All in all, probably an hours work for a handfull of men, and not a weeks worth of clearing up their mess, hours spent taking crime reports for all the gear they have liberated, and no grannies have even agreed for their driveways to be tarmacadamed.......for


The police and council have made Kings Park in Bournemouth a 24/7 guarded area having been tipped off that the kackers were aiming for the AFCB stadium car park. Concrete bollards, bloody great blocks making berms the lot.


Mad Mike

Are you sure that the bollards and other defences are not there to stop the supporters getting OUT of the ground before full time next season? tongue.gif



OMG! laugh.gif You'll have Paul D after you mate, he is one of their four supporters and takes his 25% very seriously. laugh.gif


Mad Mike


A farming friend of mine tells me a 10 tonne load of pig slurry spread from a stationery slurry spreader at midnight seemed to encourage them to move on pretty sharpish. Mind you he made sure they did not know the organiser as his straw barns would have no doubt been torched.


Makes you sick, doesn't it - working hard and paying a good slice of tax only for freeloaders to treat us like worms. Mind you, I know a few true romanys and they hate these people as much as we do.


Quote..........I know a few true romanys


Well said, I don't like the use of Gypsies or Romanys when it is applied to a bunch of Irish tinkers. True Romanys are seldom seen and their passage round the country leaves no footprint. The cackers on the other hand are parasites, and despoilers. The crime of the so called Human Rights act is that it protects these scavengers more than it does the law abiding citizen.


Mad Mike


Putting halfpenence in, the true Romanies try and distance themselves from the 'travellers' as they have in much in common with them as we do with white mice.


With regard to Travellers residing (or attempting to move onto land in order to reside) on land, there is specific legislation under the Criminal Justice Act 2003, where it gives a power to a constable (or local authority) to remove travellers if they have three vehicles, or one vehicle towing a a caravn, and tresspass on land with a view to residing on it. Or commit criminal damage, or threaten any person working on etc......


If the travellers have been asked to leave by the land owner or employee then the request need not be made by a constable in uniform, therefore a techo or an off duty button can remove them.


Finally a refusal to move is arrestable under the Serious and Organised Crime Act of 2004 (enacted Jan 1st 2006) this gives the public a power of arrest without warrant for any indictable offence committed, but more importantly and more specifically in this case it empower a constable in or out of uniform a power to arrest for any offence whatsoever so long as the arrest conditions apply ie.immeidate need to investigate, to prevent the offender escaping, public safety etc, as powers of arrest under Sec 25 PACE no longer exist (the general power of arrest with conditions for those offences which were not defined as arrestable under Sec 24).


Therefore all that needs to be done is the council to be informed, or a council employee (any will do, street cleaner, street warden) to request them to move and then the bill can remove them asap, without the need to apply for a re possesion order and if they refuse or resist they get nicked, their vehicles and caravan towed away and squashed etc.


With regard to the Human Rights Act as usual there is a misunderstanding with this legislation, it does not supercede previous or sovereign legislation, action as described would not breach the articles of the Human Rights Act and even if the authority's behaviour did breach it (and not many people know this) there is no requirement for the Government to alter legislation or indeed overturn a court decisicion (although a statement of Incompatibilty can be issued) the Government can ignore it in order to maintain soveriegnity over it's own country's laws.

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