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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It was more of the same for us this morning, meet at the boat early and be underway with the rising sun. Today we had Ash from Ringwood tackle on board, a good all round angler but to date, a bass virgin. Hopefully that would change this morning. wink.gif


Glass like sea conditions at 5.15 saw us get to our mackerel spot quickly and then the monotony of feathering when their hard to find. They came in ones and occaisional twos but it took us a full 3/4 of an hour to catch enough mackerel for the three of us to make a start. It was 6.10 by the time we set up for the first drift and 6.12 before rupe and me were both into fish, two 3lbers. Smaller than all of the fish we had yesterday. Ash's float never moved. This carried on for another half an hour with either Rupes or my bait being taken and Ashes being ignored, all the floats were set up identically and all fished within 10m of each other, but we found it hard to come up with an explanation for the lack of intrest in his bait. Ash reckoned it was his personal stench putting them off sick.gif


Rupe hooks a fish and stands with fully compressed rod in hand for a full minute before being able to lower the rod and get some line back. "Feels like a better one" he says and me and Ash wind in to give him an unhindered ballpark. A bit of line back here and a bit taken there, the fish gives him a right old run around until we notice that there is a potmans bouy directly in our line of drift and coming up quickly, so I fire up the engine and reverse the boat back to the fish a bit to avoid any problems with ropes and stuff. Panic over and Rupe has the fish in the net in short order. As I tip it out of the net, onto the deck, I can see that Rupes quest for his first double is finally over and she goes 10lb 12oz on the scales. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif About bloody time!!!!!!!!! Punching the air and hollering makes it look like he's fairly pleased himself. Well done mate, couldn't be happier for you wink.gif


I suggested that Ash should feel free to join in at any time and not be embarrased about catching fish on our boat but it was still 10.45 before he actually hooked his first bass. A brief encounter as it fell off half way in, 11.00am he loses his virginity on the smallest bass of the day at about 2lb that probably got mugged by the tuna sized mackerel we were using as bait, half an hour later he had another, a pound bigger, to go with it.


We called it a day at 12.00pm, happy with our capture of 20 bass,the average size bieing a bit smaller than yesterday, but every bit as much fun. The icing on the cake of the brilliant two mornings fishing, for me, is the look of pleasure on me three fingered mates face (he's from Alderholt, they've all got three fingers out there in the sticks wink.gif holding that 10lb 12oz beauty biggrin.gif SUPERB!!!!






Nice one mate


especially so after Alans comments yesterday about how much he wanted you to get your first double


Some great fishing and teamwork well done


charlie biggrin.gif


Well your certainly finding some monster bass out there this year, two doubles in two days, It doesn't get any better than that?....................................until you guys go out again that is biggrin.gif

And your returning them to let them get even bigger biggrin.gif ,super job Rup and Al



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