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Guest ballin_terica

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Seen a post on this on another forum, Tragic and a lot of bad feeling towards jet skiers and also a lot of bad feeling towards the boat driver who was involved.


I have no problems with anyone on a jet ski as i like a quick raz on one from time to time but i do realise there is a few people that are a bit unsafe on them.


This one is a horrible accident and my thoughts go out to the lad who lost his leg and also the boat driver that has to live with his mistake of leaving the boat in gear. Unfortunatly these things happen especially in a panic, its very important to not loose your head in that situation but its easier said than done.


I think the driver has got to bear most of the blame. To leave the motor running in gear or he simply drive off not realising someone was behind the boat. It's like reversing your car without checking what's behind you first.


The driver of the boat was attempting to help the lad into his boat after the initial accident but just made a terrible mistake.

It is very easy to say what you would of done (not refering to anyone) but in real situations when panic sets in some but not all people loose there head and forget very important things.


I know for one that if i was in the same situation this accident would remind me without doubt.


having found myself in exactly this situation, but without the final result, ik have huge sympathy with the boat driver.


in my case I was trying to help right a large lazer thingy in Loch Lomond - everyone was tired, the dingy crew were weak with cold despite full suits, and I one minute I had the boat conciously in gear with the bow to the dingy and both crew off the bow and in sight; the next we were about to help one up the steps at the stern...........don't ask how you can go from one to the other without a middle (it happened). Realised just in time.


I knew better then, I know better now............but things just happen to put you out of your ordered structured mindset

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