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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The FF transducer is a FS 35 Naman part number AA002277R for petrol engine only with flow rate between 3-150 litres per hour. for 2 strokes and EFI engine 30hp - 300hp and 4 strokes 90hp - 300 hp. I have found the box and fitting instructions. It list price is around


145 R10 trailer wheel, I got given this so you can have it for nothing or swap for something you don't want from your garage..... laugh.gif


2 x gas life jacket not auto one but pull cord,

Posted (edited)



Can I reserve the Alderney stopper please? smile.gif


Can pick it up on my way through to Oxford or on the way home just name the day.





ps I can pick up others bits and pieces if you wish as I pass Kam's house most days.

Edited by Codfather



I'll take the 5 kg. anchor, chain and warp.


100 m. would do for me. If you wany to split it, or share with someone else ??


If no takers......... then I'll still take it.




Could you pick this up for me too ??


Who shall I pay ?? Cheque sent to Kam or cash to Dave ??



Posted (edited)

Hi Kam, can I have first refusal on the Navman Fuel Transducer please?

Just need to check my manual and will let you know for sure later today.



Hang on, just checked the website, and yes please, I'll take it! If you PM me your acc no and Sort code I'll transfer you the money. As long as that's OK!


Coddy, please could you add this to the back of your 'Courier Wagon'? biggrin.gif



Edited by charlieannear
Posted (edited)

Free wheelie to Paul,


Pump to Mike.


Alun, the rope is very soft and it takes up no space even with 200 metres. I would suggest you take the whole lot, stick it in the new boat and try it for size, you can always sell the unwanted bit later. Whereas if you cut it now and you might wish you hadn't in the future. Here's a picture of it, in a disorganised heap next to my size 8 shoes.


Fuel transducer first refusal to Charlie until end of the week.


Edited by Newboy
Free wheelie to Paul,


Pump to Mike.


Alun, the rope is very soft and it takes up no space even with 200 metres. I would suggest you take the whole lot, stick it in the new boat and try it for size, you can always sell the unwanted bit later. Whereas if you cut it now and you might wish you hadn't in the future. Here's a picture of it, in a disorganised heap next to my size 8 shoes.


Fuel transducer first refusal to Charlie until end of the week.

As on the edited post, I'll have it please Kam.




Paul - if you find the mooring lines are too big for you let me know m8 and I will take them.............


can't see 16mm fitting your cleats!




Hi all


Pick up shopping list so far huh.gif


Me - Alderney Stopper


Mike - Bilge Pump


Alun - Anchor and warp


Charlie - Fuel Transducer


Paul do you want me to collect your ropes and wheel at the same time? smile.gif


Anyone else wants things collected/delivered?








How do we sort all this moneywise?


When would you at home?


My plans for next week


Monday - Sheffield

Tuesday - Oxford

Wednesday - Romford

Thursday - Shrewsbury

Friday - Around home or even anywhere laugh.gif


Pick your day blink.gif





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