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Didn't get any takers for crew, I'll have to check my deoderant sick.gif


But I was was determined to take the new love of my life out.......Enticer!



Launch at 6.30 and decided to check ot the newly installed bilge pump and live bait tank, both worked perfectlyand with a lovely anti clock wise flow rolleyes.gif


Got plenty of live bait and decided to drift for a while on the ledge but got board afer half an hour, I'm all bassed out so as the weather was so nice decided to push out and try one or two wrecks. Within 5 minutes of the first bait going down and the only bite on cuttle all day, 8lb tope. Lovely scrap and so it continued so I scaled down to a 12lb class rod untill the tide turned and eventually I had to go back to the conger gear and they never showed all day.


Although I have to say that it is going to take another couple of trips to get the accuracy I am used to with Adam when anchoring marks. I missed both wreck despite having a couple of goes.


Final tally for the day 3 small bass 2 to 3lb and about 20 tope. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I think Enticer must be a lucky boat as I left my lucky hat on Pauls boat laugh.gif


I just love fishing biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Hi Gordon , sounds like you had a great day out...Welldone Wish i could have been there but had prior arrangement . Maybe next time cheers Jas





Would love to come out with you......... when you are tagetting something other than Tope or Conger.


It's the culinary attraction for me..as well as the sport!


If you're 'bassed-out', how about Triggers for a change ?? On light tackle, they out-bream the bream for fight.


I was out trialing my new bait tank [ prepared ready for new boat [ soon !]] on Tues. It worked well but , as you noted, the bass were thin on the ground [ I think Adam and Tom got them all !], so I went and had an hour [at not the best time] and found two, lost a few before weather blew up against the tide.


Good looking boat with smiling skipper and no whiffs downwind !!




With reference to Gordon's first item in the thread, 'Launch at 6.30 and decided to check ot the newly installed bilge pump and live bait tank, both worked perfectlyand with a lovely anti clock wise flow'.


Now I thought I had this sorted that the mackerel swim anticlockwise so the water goes clockwise. If I've got this wrong, that explains a lot. Can someone give me the difinitive answer to this please.





I was also under this impression. However, just checked which way water flows when the plug is pulled out of the sink and it is def. anti - clockwise.


Mind you I had water rotating clockwise and the mackeral all survived, maybe they got dizzy though tongue.gif and maybe it was the reason they weren't shoaling in the tank particularily well.


Water in in my bait tank also flows clockwise and the stock stays fine all day, so I don't think it makes much difference. However, I never catch anything with them so perhaps they are too dazed to work.



Gordon H


Well !........... mine went straight out across the top....... with the powerful push of the pump.......... and sort of swirled around with direction other than a vertical one !!.


Mackeral mostly lined up at the bottom and sat there apart from a few swimmers and a few casualties . Well pleased.....just need a net to keep my arm dry!



  plaicemat said:
With reference to Gordon's first item in the thread, 'Launch at 6.30 and decided to check ot the newly installed bilge pump and live bait tank, both worked perfectlyand with a lovely anti clock wise flow'.


Now I thought I had this sorted that the mackerel swim anticlockwise so the water goes clockwise. If I've got this wrong, that explains a lot. Can someone give me the difinitive answer to this please.




Sorry you were right my water is going clockwise blink.gif


Simon has a very interesting and successful tank installed under a bench/ seat... [i'm sure he'll post details later........], it had both thro' - flow and recirc. options.

Not masses of water but flat / shallow....... lots of swimming room......... and fish stayed 'happy' all day.



First............ build a tank that works,


Next........ find the right size bait.


We had a good mix of macky size today...... and the little 'joeys' outfished any other size



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