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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm hoping to pop out for a few hours in the morning.........if it's more of the former and less the latter !


Maybe see you close in Gordon ??




This time tomorrow evening, I'll be sat on the dock, large G&T in hand, trying to lure a huge snook onto my line, hoping that tropical storm Debbie doesnt ruin my fortninght!!!


Tight lines all, have a good weekend, stay safe.




Let me see...Rich is in Florida...and a hurricane is about to hit the area...where have I heard that before? huh.gif


Make a mental note...ask for Rich's travel itinerary before travelling to Florida. cool.gif






If you still read this BEFORE you go don't hold up any great hopes as I have been told that the red algiea has arrived with vengance and many fish are dying and even a manitee! sad.gif


Have a good holiday dry.gif





I was out for a few hours yesterday morning, with a complete novice, so important for him to catch his supper !!


It was a little breezy at 8 ........ but soon got much stronger from NW [ 5 + !!] but tide with wind , just bearable , close in to Hengist.


Plenty of mackeral , a lot of [good size ] scad and hordes of bream ....... all sizes !!..... so my bro.-in-law had a few for a meal or two; best went just under 2lbs.


Drew stumps at 12 ...... leaving Fugazi to continue close-by.





PS Hope to take new boat out on Tues for a 'run-in' session.


As Alun said it was a bit lumpy out there, but early morning not too bad. After feathering a tank full of Mackerel we went out towards the end of the Ledge drifting for Bass. No luck, so anchored and tried dead bait for a bit and I connected with what felt like a conger, but with no wire trace a few shakes of the head and it was gone. Then as the wind increased we ran back inshore for some shelter from the offshore breeze. As we arrived near Alun J he was just bringing in a Bream so things looked promising and we anchored nearby to watch the Breameister at work. As we sat there watching him consistently pulling them out with what appeared to be almost analytical precision we could not understand why we had not had a bite. Then things improved as soon as Alun stopped fishing, he had to leave as his boat was down to the gunnels with the weight of fish and was in danger of being swamped. My father in law caught the first Bream and for the next 2 hours it was non stop action on Fugazi with Bream and some large Garfish. No luck with the elusive Trigger fish but Alun has given me a tip on where they might be, so must try next time out before they disappear.


Gordon H


Sounds like you had better luck than we had yesterday chaps. Tried Southbourne Rough, but wind and tide gave a 2kt drift that prevented anything at all finding our baits. Never even seen a scad anywhere near there - so am surprised at that report!


We went inshore to Boscombe Pier for an hour or so. Plenty of mackerel (at last), but nothing else worth keeping - plenty of small bream around still though, plus a couple of other bits and pieces that would be interesting in a species comp....


Came back to Poole inshore, dangling by the various chines, but again no real luck.


We had heard there might be a few giltheads and triggers around, but nothing that exciting bothered us at all!


Far too frisky for us out there today, so roll on next weekend!


Mike, Carol and George


Had an eventful trip out today. As the wind was a westerly ( up to F6 gusts though ) and as the tide was flooding, figured it would all be wind with tide so headed out with PJ to try and bag some bass.


Launched from Wick and saw pegleg ( aka legless ) launching with a friend on a boat which was around 12ft long ? - I thought we were pushing it !!


Conditions up to the ledge were fine, we pushed out past the ledge towards the X-Ray area and it was a little choppy but fishable for the mackeral. Had a tank full of really nice small joeys so headed back toward the ledge but not before dropping the lead on the end of my mackeral string and hooking a hockeye straight into my index finger.


Hook was past the barb and was not coming out, so I grabbed the hook and cut the eye off it with some pliars and then pushed the pointed end around and back out my finger from the inside ( strangely it wasn't hurting much then ) - grabbed the pointed end with the pliars and pulled the cut end through weep.gifunsure.gif - a quick wipe with an alcohol wipe from the first aid kit and a plaster slapped on and back to fishing. - Nothing stopping me fishing !


A fair few boats out there, including Aquafresh ( which is always promising ), so off for some drifts. I got the first bass of around 3 lb after a fair few drifts. Tide was slowing so we moved to another spot but nothing else showing, so moved again and had a second bass, then a final drift where I dropped a fish ( within casting distance of the shore - so must note that one ).


Went back out to try to get some more mackeral but conditions getting well snotty, so decided to give it a go with some dead baits, PJ then had a call from his wife and found his kitchen was getting flooded by the washing machine, so headed back in. Second bass was still swimming around merrily in the live bait tank when I got home, so doing something right there.




A couple of weeks ago we were cleaning scallops on the way back in when my mate managed something similar with a filleting knife straight through the middle of his thumb leaving a really neat entry and exit wound. Luckily it missed anything important and healed without stitches. But Paul


happened to me in Alderney, i fell on a set of large feathers during a big swell.


I just shut my eyes and let someone else yank it out, i does only hurt once it's out



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