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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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First time for a few weeks Mark and I had time and a nice weather slot for a trip out on Sunday. The only problems being he had his two kids staying and I had one grandchild staying. So we stoically accepted our fate as tour guides for the day, loaded up with ragworm and took the kid out on the boat.

We met Nick Nack on the way out and he told us that Brownsea Roads was full of little bream and not much else, so we thought we would try drifting the patches. Having got there we were fortunate to find plenty of 8oz to 1lb bream so the kids had a great time. Mark also tried his luck but was constantly bombarded with "Daaaaddy, is this a bite" from his 12 year old daughter and after a couple of hours he was feeling a bit ragged. I decided enough was enough and told them 'up lines' and whizzed over to Shell bay, dropped the mini hook and prodded the kids into 3 ft of water to have a play. Mark and I figured that after freezing their whatevers off for 30 min they would be tired enough to take home. But oh no! Thouroughly recharged they wanted to try fishing again; I found a nice bouy just round from the Castle switched off and relaxed. 30 seconds after her weight touched bottom Laura shouted that she had a bite. Rubbish her dad and I said, you've hooked bottom......Straining all of her 12 year old body back against the bend in the rod she was insistant that she had a fish. No no that's the bottom we adults patronised, but slowly 'bottom' moved off uptide stripping line off the reel. A joint BL00DY HELL as we both shouted 'Hang on Laura!' and dived for the landing net. Like a vetran the little bu..Angel brought up the biggest wrass I have seen for a long time. When weighed it went 6lb 8oz + (bouncy boat). All the kids then said 'Thank you for the fishing, can we go home?' so Mark and I hardly wet a line all day sad.gif


Any way is a 6lb 8oz+ Wrass big enough for your book Charlie?


Mad Mike

Posted (edited)

Bless their little cotton socks. You've gotta laugh.


That's the second big wrasse from the harbour, and one hell of a wrasse. Shame she wasn't a club member. The British record is 7lb, I think.



Edited by Bob F

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