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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Right, i fancy something different, and as its my birthday comming up im planning a social session on the new boat with 4 of us on board...........but we fancy something different.........I fancy a session at the back of the island for some big blond ray...The date will be 11th sep.....a bit far off i know but i like to plan ahead biggrin.gif anyone know what sort of tide i need, tactics, rigs, and i also need help with a mark to anchor........any boat buddies?




we are out on the 11th but are going for bass because its a big tide, if you want rays i think they call it the six mile banks directly south from the lighthouse just out past the spoil grounds if you look on your chart.

in the same area there are two wrecks the reinder and the clyde but to date ive not had a chance to try them.


cheers andy

Posted (edited)

Actually, I wrote the article on Blonde Rays. Rob gave me some tips and hints.


Go to "Topics" in the menu above, and then go to the Species and Tactics section.


I fancy a Blonde too, Dan. So I might bring Splash-Out.



Edited by Bob F



Just noticed that the 11th Sept is a Monday, so I will not be able to do that.

And Sunday 10th I've got to drive my lad back to Lincoln University, so Sunday is out, too!!! weep.gifweep.gif And Saturday's are reserved for Kayaking with the misses. sad.gif


I think I'm, gunna sell my boat!!! mad.gif




Don't sell it mate. You never know when it'll come in handy... I must admit it's always about having the time to do stuff.........hey i'm not working at the moment and even i can't find much time to go fishing. Keep the old chin up.......we'll get out soon enough.. Jas


Lets just hope that the weather holds out as its suppose to be quite good.


Hopefully for the first time in god knows how long the wind will stay away!



If we cant get out after the blondes we'll drift for bass.





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