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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

I'm thinking of buying a handheld VHF radio - possibly at Southampton Show - any recommendations, please? I believe Practical Boat Owner did a comparison in Feb 2006 issue, but I missed it - does anyome have a copy, please (or able to post the "winner's" make/ model)?





Edited by hotshot



If you can fit a fixed VHF radio then that is the best route to take first. Your transmissions will then be heard by many more boats than when using a handheld.





Managed to dig out the PBO FEB 2006 article on handheld vhf's.

Outcome was in favour of either the Raymarine RAY101E or the Icom M31

They were quoting prices of




I would echo the benefits of a fixed unit on even v small boats. The other great advantage is price - a 'cheap' fixed unit should deliver fine but I would go for the more expensive end on handhelds - better waterproofing, shock resistance and, critically, a good Li Ion battery. My Icom Euro 1V was fully charged 4 years ago and has been used on and off since that time, always on the boat, often chucked in the tender/beach bag etc and still runs fine! It's also very clear. 2 previous ones lasted less just over a year each before battery problems / lack of holding charge.


Just my 2p


Ideally have a fixed unit as your main unit and then a hand held purely for emergency back-up.


When buying fixed there are many brands on the market and all do a reasonable job, however make sure you have a large and easy to ready screen and knobs / buttons which are easy to work when bouncing around on the briney.


The primary purpose of your VHF is to call help in an emergency. Buying a "cheap" VHF to save a few pounds realy is false economy if you can't read the display or use the functions easily when yuo most need it to work.

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