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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After not being able to fish the comp on sunday as nick was in hospital, (he was freed on sunday pm) and looking at forecast while sat at work looking over holes bay decided to take afternoon off and me and nick went for some of these early bream, anyway monster swale (quite long so not to uncomfortable) we picked a mark to the west of poole middle patch. Was wind against tide against swale so so boat was swinging about all other the place and managed nothing. Then True Blue II came in and was drifing a couple of hundred yards away so with a boost in our confidence we moved mark and we had nothing and then some time later when deciding if it was worth drifting the swash we had bites hoorah!! anyway managed 5 doggies and a smoothhound between us. Lots of missed bites which think were small doggies?


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