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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As I am now not leaving for Munich until Tues a.m., I had 2 choices in todays fine weather; gardening or go fishing - fishing won! My son, Guy, and I were at Wick by 08.30 with the intention of trying to catch enough mackerel to last me through the winter for bait. On a flat, calm sea, we enjoyed a flat out dash for the Needles and struggled for mackerel until I remembered my secret spot. No sooner had I stopped the engine than we were pulling macky over the side. Some were joeys so I put them in the bait tank in case we fancied a go at the bass.


Soon got bored with feathering so decided to have a drift for bass to break the monotony. 2 bass later and all thoughts of winter bait were forgotten. S@d it, I'll pay for the damn things. We continued to fish with quite a few fish lost, some very good ones. I put this down to using treble hooks for the first time and choosing a size which was too small. Never mind, I'll get it right next time.


Unfortunately a nasty little wind crept up with the tide and things got very uncomfortable so then endured a slower ride back to Hengitsbury head. Strange, after Adams comments, coming through the very broken water round the shallows near the groyne at Hengitsbury en route back to Wick, we were picked up by a huge wave and the bow was dumped under water. For a moment, I thought it wasn't going to come up again, but eventually, up she popped. Of course, the anchor locker was inundated and we had to wait for it to drain. I'll try not to get caught like that, again.


I'm now away until the 8th October when I presume all the mackerel will be gone. Guess I'll have to wait for the whiting. How long do the bass loiter around? Still, enjoyed a nice fresh mackerel salad before I tackle the slaughter house cuisine of Southern Germany.





Dont dispair, the grand master harvester got his PB Bass on 1st November off the ledge.

And also, after a few 'mass' or a couple of Hefe weissen, who cares whats on the plate !








Absolutely! Crossing on the ferry at crack of who cares tomorrow and will be on over the mark in Munchen on Thursday evening. After that, I don't give a toss about the fish until 7th October. Then I'll be there, with bells on.


See you all soon.



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