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Since I plan to move my boat from Conwy to Poole, I will use the opportunity to service engine Clean her up etc, maybe redo the Antifoul.


So my question is :- Does Anti Foul deteriate in the air ?


Reason for the question is, the guy who did it last year waited till a few days before launching into marina to ensure max effect, seemed daft to me, but then it his his business.




You are better doing it shortly before launching. I don't know why, but a boat that was antifouled, say 6 months previously, will not stand up to weed etc anything like one that was done the day before.




Each type and make of antifoul have a couple of 'windows' between which things must be done.


Firstly the 'overcoating' window....... This is the time between each coat of antifoul. Too short and the previous coats volatile thinners will not have evapourated and the whole lot becomes a droopy sticky mess. Too long and the previous coat will have dried out completely and you will need to make a mechanical key by a rub down with wet& dry 180 grit used wet.


In the same way the relaunch time has a 'window' in which it should be completed.

eg Launch after 1 week and before 3 months sort of thing


Each manufacturer will have labled each type of antifoul on the tin and to quote a phrase THEY DO WHAT THEY SAY ON THE TIN.

International Paints do a very good (free) leaflet as do Blakes. Follow the instructions on the tin of the stuff you buy and you can't go far wrong.


Mad Mike

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