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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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was looking to get out this weekend and first glance at the forecasts looked really encouraging - mainly 2's all the time.


second glance showed them to be E and SE - all the time!


should I just forget the fishing bit and right off a possible trip?


Yes , this has scuppered my invite to fish out of Falmouth, where forecast looks like stronger E. or SE. than here.


Sat. still looks reasonable, esp. with an early start.


Several options , as long as E. does get too fresh........ possible trip to Needles or back up the Solent on a more gentle tide than last weekend !


No firm plans yet but anyone like to join me if I go ?




Definitely up for a trip out on the weekend. I haven't caught a ray this year, so fancy a go at the rays on the smaller tides.


I am assuming you mean a buddy boat.



I'll be going out Sat' in the harbour to try and snag a flatty or two on the basis that it's going to be a nice sunny day anyway and I would rather be out in the fresh air than stuck at home.

Now to disapear into the workshop with some old soup spoons and a hack saw!!


Mad Mike


Gordon, the hartlepool holds a few squid this time of year, its a small wreck just outside the harbour, the banks will hold cuttle, the Hood is producing squid, so they are about Best bet is to PM boybilly, he will give you up to date advice, he will have afished a small comp on the Noth Fort on monday evening, the squid may have been there too. Hope this helps.



I was thinking about a trip to Weymouth to stock up on Macky for the winter and maybe a few skate and possibly a dry run for the species comp smile.gif

I'll be at Weymouth on Sunday.


Sadly not fishing, but working weep.gif


We have our Weymouth office Open Weekend if anyone fancies a trip that way.

Amongst a good selection of boats to view on the charter skippers berths (we have codially invited them to move for the day and they have oblidged), Mike at Weymouth has the best bacon butties on the South Coast.




Dave was fishing close in by the cliff not far from the Hood for squids the week before with good success.


Just go and buy a squid jig from WAC, short trace to a portland rig (any rig will do but I presume you are already rigged up the portland rig). Slow retrieve while drifting, if you feel a take, just reel in without stopping, cos the jig isn't barbed and you might lose the squid if you stop wounding.

anyone know if the Lulworth ranges are firing this weekend?

Give Coastwatch a call on 01929439220.


These are the guys that sit in the little look out above St Alban's race.

They have all the details of firing etc.


Hi Duncan


Week-end Firing


07/10/06 to 08/10/06


18/11/06 to 19/11/06


Army Range Control listens on Channel 8, the range boats listen on 8 and 16

Their call sign is "Lulworth Range Safety Boat"



Tel 01929 404712 - working hours

01929 404819 - for current range info


Looks ok for you! rolleyes.gif





Spoke with Bily testerday....no ink showing on the stone walls, but some being taken over the inshore wrecks, like the Hartlepool as I suggested, one boat reported 31. I am fishing a conger trip tuesday evening, but may try and get mark to fish this weekend out of weymouth, try and bag another slam before they all go offshore. There is also a chance of breaking a couple of smaller club records....pout and Gars, so may try for those. Gordon, are you going sunday??????




Frisky is probably having a couple of day trips out from Poole, and will probably be seeking a fish supper for Sunday. Any advice or suggestions on where to find sizeable edible fish will be welcome.


Without advice, all I can say is that Carol fancies a nice pollack (any over 2lb inshore anywhere????), George has the ray bug, and I quite fancy a crack at the herring (never having been successful at these before)....if they're in yet.




pollcck turn up all over but are obviously best targetted from either the reefs and ledges round west or the (some) wrecks - eg the Sky holds a load in the 5lb class.


inshore tend to be smaller but fish to 3lbs are around


rays are everywhere - may well head out this weekend to the area I know as the banks last visited Feb. Never seem to fish it in the summer at all! Alternatively Swanage Bay and the area off there holds nearly all the main ray species. Further West and undulates seem to predominate until you get past the influence of St Albans ledge when blondes are more fun........ rolleyes.gif

Posted (edited)

Hi Duncan,

Have heard of the Sky, but don't have a clue where it is. Could you (or someone) PM me the numbers, please, with an indication of how far it is from Poole?




Edited by Mike Fox

Mike, do you want a couple of Herring Rigs?? I sent Mad Mike a couple, and have yet to hear how he has faired. My rigs used down in Weymouth have produced Herring a plenty. Ive deleted Georges address, if you want a couple, PM your Address again, (sorry!) and I will send you a couple of rigs. They are best cut down to three hooks, to ensure no foul hoked fish, these rigs double up as Sandeel and Launce rigs. Fish them on a straight through dropper, with a top secret Rich weight on the bottom!!! wink.gif Results are sure to follow!!



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