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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What a Day!


Could't have had better conditions, Sea Flat, Sun shining and no wind- got a red face and panda eyes to prove it.


2nd outing to Weymouth with Royal Loyal accompanied by our expert guide and fishing buddy Billy Short .


Fishing was fairly slow to steady with mixed sport all day.


I managed to pick up 4 plaice early and started to hear mutterings from Mark and Bill " golden balls is showing off again" etc etc


As per last time my catches stopped and i spent most of the day watching them catch fish, including a 4lb+ plaice and small Turbot for Billy, Mark got a few also.


We then moved to the Elenor ( a wreck off the east buoy) and picked up a couple of pollack of about 4-5lbs which sent the rod tips over.. Looked like good fun but you'll have to ask Bill and Mark cause i just watched sick.gif


We finished at the hood where we saw Alun J who looked like he was having fun in the sun- glad you made it- fun wasn't it?

On the way back we went to see Gary Austin on Prodigy who was moored up for the night in the Quay and was going to fish Sunday-- we were very tempted to do the same!

Oh, Billy joined the club- (Martin i got the dosh) Welcome Billy!

Off to the Boat Jumble- more to come


Paul J




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