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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well i've fitted my trim tabs and they performed really well on Sunday. Although you still feel that clenching sensation when you start drilling more holes in the transom. But I have to say, study the instructions well and it turned out to be a fairly simple job that only took an hour or so from start to finish.


Took the boat to L&J marine today for a software update and a fuel filter change, all part of the 3 year warrentee. On reflection of todays visit, very nice people, polite and helpful and a fantastic read out that tells you everything that has gone on since the engine was new. It even tells you how many hours per 11 different rev ranges.


Picture below of Enticer's rear ohmy.gif for those thinking of trim tabs




Oh roll on Sunday tongue.gif



Had mine done a month or so ago. Can't say I have noticed much of a difference but the engine is running like a dream at the moment and very frugal with the fuel as well.


You can actually buy the diagnostic software and the lead from Evinrude but I think it is a bit pricey.



Did your Evinrude dealer contact you regarding the update?


I've heared nothing from my dealer, but that doesn't surprise me.


Is the mod necessary, as I'd have to travel from Alderney to Guernsey to get it done.


I'd really like to get the diagnostic report though.


you will have to call them and dont be suprised if they are not all clued up,


L&J are much better informed than a certain other dealer i know.



there is also a recall to change the fuel filter on engines below a certain serial number. They have to order in the kits so it's worth checking it in advance.



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