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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I liked the Etec before I even had one, the looks, power, economy and the modern injection and engine management system.


Today I had my first slight problem.


It started a couple of trips ago when I went to close the throttle down and although the revs died down the lever felt tight and seemed like it was catching somewhere inside the control. The strange thing was that if I turned the key off the contol moved back to its position, free as normal?


It happened a couple of times that day but it was booked in for its software upgrade the following week so I thought they would sort it. In the mean time I opened the control box to find there had been a wire had been catching as it had a noticable kink in it. I pushed the wire back and made a note to tell them at L&J.


At the service they said they had not found anything wrong. At the time I thought that may be because I had tucked the wire back they couldn't see any problems.


No issues on the next trip which was the Club Open.


Today, was a different story, after pulling up a couple of miles off Christchurch to set the plotter to a more local mark, I couldn't even get the engine to rev.


So down went the anchor, quick phone call to Adam as I knew he would be launching soon, then decided quickly open up the control box while I was waiting and hey presto the wire that had "nothing wrong" was virtualy severed. Well I keep a few bits and pieces on the boat and quickly had a new conection on and with the now shorter wire fitted better than the old one.


It didn't work!


Well I thought before I call Adam for a tow one more look at the engine end of the throttle as this now seemed the only place it could be. And there it was, part of the throttle linkage was sticking and I guess because of the safety features in the control box and the engine management sytem it wouldn't allow the engine to rev because the linkage was in the wrong place.

Well I tell you, you can't keep a good bodger down, one well placed elastic band (from Mike's tackle box) and




I am sure it can be easily fixed and it isn't a major issue. At the end of the day all manufacturers of all engines (and boats for that matter) have a spot of bother from time to time.

It is simply a case of how well it gets sorted by the dealer.


As an add on to your issue, reading about it prompted me that there had been a recall announced by one of the members over at WSF.

It only effects certain engines as detailed in the section I have cut and pasted below and it caused a hoo harr on WSF as it seems that virtually none of the owners had been informed about the recall and on further enquiring it even seemed like some of the dealers didn't.






Section from WSF:

Just had a registered letter saying there is a recall on my new E-Tec ( no big problem but they need to change a fuel filter on the engine, as these could have been damaged ), If you have a 2004 - 2007 Model Year 40 - 90 HP Evinrude E-TEC outboards with serial numbers below SN 5166490, and have not received a letter

it prompted me that there had been a recall announced by one of the members over at WSF.

Which highlighted an interesting point on my e-tec when I went off to check the serial number. Supplied in May of this year, has a 2006 sticker on the leg and the PDI print-out from Warrior gives the issue date as September 2003!!!!!

Naughty, naughty, Mr Bombardier. Flogging three year old engines carrying this year's graphics? Tsk wink.gif



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