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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi folks,

Got out yesterday into what seems to have been the only fog-free patch of sea on the South Coast. With weekend reports of slim pickings, I wasn't hopeful.

An established whiting mark gave us dogs, pout and a strap conger and small pollack to the other boat. A move inshore onto chalk reefs following a pet theory saw me pick up a strap conger followed by a very jammy 9lb 4oz cod on last drop of the day. No whiting at all and the water was very murky even well offshore.

We also had the recovery from hell. The gravel on the Langstone slips is bad again and after all but bogging down two 4WD cars roped in tandem, we had to give up and wait three hours into darkness to get SeaMouse out safely. If anyone is contemplating a Nab visit, my best advice would be "don't".




Hi Bob,

Yup, nice cod fillets. Gravel was indeed a nightmare and looking at the height of the slip relative to the beach now, I'd say it isn't going to get any better. The end of the slip is now a good 6ft below the beach level so even if they clear it, it'll fill back in. I hear rumours that Chichester is also seeing some unusual remodelling of the harbour and bar.


For the other e-tec owners....... despite having temperatures above freezing AND the Extreme version of the oil, I still got the dreaded low oil shut-down as we set off. Plus enough blue-white smoke for me to momentarily think the outboard had caught fire. It was pouring out. Happily, I noticed that the other boat's e-tec was also smoking heavily and put it down to atmospheric conditions/cold engines. Certainly it cleared up.

Also, I've shifted from the useless new design 17" prop to a Solas 15". Result, max revs up from 4200 to 5000 and top speed from 26 to 28.5kts. That'll do. Lateral trim troubles continue though, I'll remove the trim tabs and if that don't cure it then I'm forced to conclude that the extra weight of the windows above the centre of gravity has made the Pro Angler a lot more sensitive to load than the 165.



Posted (edited)

For the other e-tec owners....... despite having temperatures above freezing AND the Extreme version of the oil,




Is that a different oil to the X100 stuff?

I had my 17" repitched to 15" and it now spins between 5500-5900 which is perfect as mine produces the full 60hp at 5750




Edited by Paul J



The oil you have is the extreme version of the XD100 oil. They introduced this after similar problems regaridng cold weather performance.


Had no problems last 3 days despite the cowling having ice over it, although I did notice that the engine was smoking slightly. Economy was awesome though.

( Lymington to West Lepe to "Car Park" and back to Lymington and I only used 11 litres. )



Yes Paul, .... but put part of the economy is down to our smaller, lighter boats with their 'Performance' hulls


My trip on Weds. from Lymington to car park and back via a few spots sipped a mere 6 or 7 litres.........at a variety of speeds due to fog and bumpy bits.




Nice fish mate and comiserations about the stones


I used to have a heavy 18ft dory in the Southsea Club compound by the public slip and at time struggled to get through the stones even using the Club winch.


Most of us carried shovels in our cars just in case, but 6ft seems a lot to shovel weep.gif


The economy at this time should be good, cold air into the engine increases the burn efficiency, does not help with cold starting though


Charlie biggrin.gif

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