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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We left the mooring at 7am and headed to the mariner to sign in for the comp. at 8. Fished the best part of the day with the masses in Holes Bay with no success on the Flounder front, just a couple of Bass to keep us interested. Decided to move out to Balls lake for a last try,( confronted by Martin heading back down the channel very impressive looking straight up the bow, high out the water). Managed 1 flounder of about 2 pound, the wind whipped up into a frenzy at about 3pm so we decided to head for the weigh in. Retrieved the hook only to see a kuyak in real trouble down towards the ferry terminal. Headed down to help, he was in a bit of a state very poor attire and insufficient safely gear. Pulled him aboard and took the kuyak in tow back to lake pier, beating straight into the wind and tide took its toll on the time and we missed the weigh in. But still all got home safely. weep.gifweep.gif


As much as rescue of inadaquates irks you. It has to be done [from multiple experience] Yor concience is clear,I am sure the temptation to leave it to someone else can be really tempting especialy if you are engaged in something important to yourself. However having been rescued myself, following a series of unbelievable happenstances,I know how it feels to be "passed by"....Good for you !!..jack


Hi Carl


Well done mate, biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif nice to know that we sea faring types are still willing to look after each other.


Some peoples lack of knowledge and experiance is no reason to ignore them when in peril.


I hope that your fish was not a prizewinner


Charlie biggrin.gif


Quote...following a series of unbelievable happenstances


I read somewhere that professional divers call these occurances 'Incident Pits' and that these domino affect deteriation of options are so common as to have their own official name. There is also something in Chaos mathamatics which proves there is a critical point with in a given circumstance at which things stand more chance of getting worse than of getting better.


Mad Mike

I read somewhere that professional divers call these occurances 'Incident Pits' and that these domino affect deteriation of options are so common as to have their own official name. There is also something in Chaos mathamatics which proves there is a critical point with in a given circumstance at which things stand more chance of getting worse than of getting better.


Mad Mike

indeed but it's more common sense than mathematics and happens to us all the time............once the proportion of your actions that are forced, or appear forced, increases beyond a certain point you are 'in the lap of the gods'. Interestingly the percertage is the same for professionals etc but, critically, they are still making decisions where others are being led by circumstances as things start to escalate................


Quote...Interestingly the percertage is the same for professionals etc but, critically, they are still making decisions where others are being led by circumstances as things start to escalate................


Interesting Duncan. When my lad went on the T.A. Officer potential course they stressed the importance of making decision rather than wringing ones hands and doing nothing.

Someone famous (?) once said about decision making "if you are only 51% right in your decision making your ahead of the game"

Is this why I chose the wrong place to fish 49% of the time ? blink.gif


Mad Mike


Mike, the trick re "officers" and "NCOs" and Rankers, is for the the experience from the ranks, to suggest something to the officer i/c, in a way he thinks he thought of it, then go about putting that suggestion into practice the way its always been done.


The hard thing, for the officer, is to distiguish the sh*te from the ranks, grab the "good" idea, stick with it long enough to see fruition, then take the praise, and disseminate it downwards. If he doesn't, his "good ideas" very quickly dry up!!!!!!


D'you know that's exactly what the T/A training told him. Well actually I expect you did know laugh.gif .


He was devistated when after having loads of specialist look hat him he had to leave because of all things flat feet!


Mad Mike

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