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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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A calm evening saw Charlie, James and myself steaming out of the Yaught club berth at bang on 1745. With less wind, and a little less tide, the plan of attack was similar to Fridays excursion..........so we dopped in on the wreck at Ballard, with a few wrasse showing to worm.

Easing off into Swanage Bay for a crack at those Bream, which to date have proved a little ellusive to say the least!


With the tide slacking off further, it was all change again, out to Evans Rock, where we were hoping to snatch a few small pout to whack on as bait for the Conger. Pout obliged.............Conger didn't!!!! With a few Doggies thrown in, we finally lifted the hook at about 2300hrs, and returned at a leisurely pace, reaching the berth at around 2320 ish.


Gear stowed, Great White cleaned down, a quick natter on the steps, then home.


Another session in the book, a few more fish, and the Bream Comp to look forward to this Sunday.........................who says fishing is boring???????


Thanks again for the trip Charlie, and James for good company.


Cheers, Rich



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