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Yes you guessed it........my ugly stick 12lb, has broken. Mark was using it in my abscence one trip, and snapped it while swinging aboard a huge cod of about 4lbs!!!!


I rang shakespeare told them my expolits, they told me to return it, which I did, and this morning I recieved a brand spanking new 12lb class ugly stick. I cant rate these guys highly enough, top service.




who should I contact about a president reel spare then Rich?


I tried their web site but got no response ever - twice


Anti reverse peg on the inside of the sideplate just snapped off one day (with a fish pulling on the other.........maybe the drag was a bit tight......) so it's new side plate time (5 years later)


Duncan, I went straight to their service centre in Bham, and spoke to customer services. The nice lady just asked me sto send the rod back, so they could have a look at it and sure to their word, they dispatched a brabd new one. Mine was the first ugly stick I have bought, and was just under five years old, so I am well chuffed about their warranty statement!! (Glad I have bought three others in that range now, the smallest being an Ugly Stick 6lb.....perfect for bream coupled with my trusty 30 yr old ABU Ambasadeur Five).


I will dig out the phone numbers and address for you Duncan, so you can try them on your reel, Good luck my friend.




Good to hear they're as good as their word Rich!


I've used my Ugly Stik Spin 8' for about 10 years with no problems, and it's toughness convinced me to buy their 20-30lb class rods too for George and I.


Just need to christen them now....(pout and doggies don't count).




Mike, when you look at how long the brand has been around, and the volume of "Sticks" sold worldwide, its no wonder that they are one of the only rod manufacturers to offer such a good guarantee.


The only other tackle supplier that has a better guarantee, is Orvis, who say they offer "Complete satisfaction or your money back". If you take this to the extreme, then any rod or reel, line hook, fly, lure, hat etc etc, that does not perform in your opinion, will be replaced free of charge. For instance, my sunglasses have been replaced three times by them, as the arm had broken, through "hard" use! They will even replace a rod that has been snapped in a car door or bootlid, I appreciate they can afford to do it at the prices they charge for some of their kit, but to buy a seven piece travel fly rod, for around


thanks Rich - look forward to it.


I think there are a few other fly rod manufacturers who offer replacements as a matter of course but in the case of Ugly stiks it's 'cos they aren't supposed to break!


I have the early 1481 - 015 8'6" which is absolutely the dogs for pollack - but dammed heavy to fish with all day!


Duncan, found the details chap:


Shaekespear 01527 513802


Service Dept.

PO Box 1

Broad Ground Rd.



B98 8NQ


Good luck, hope it works as well for you as it did for me.




PS Mark..........NO, you cant borrow a rod!!!!!






PPS 'corse you can mate, just provide the bacon butties wink.gif

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