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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Andy rang me Sat evening,"do you fancy a float about tomorrow ? probably be crap.but its better than hanging about at home.Better make it 10'oc,for the 10.30 bridge.".No sneaking under that morning it was really well up at 10.30.

Virtualy no-one about as we steamed to the entrance,not a good sign,others perhaps had more sense than we did. Wind was cold to raw North-east.The run out past Old harry,was not too bad,but a very rough set of ovefalls could be seen.In the strong ebbing tide. We headed down south into a good swell,presumably from the last few windy days,and dropped anchor onto our mark ,where the boat demonstrated just how much it could roll without actually throwing you overboard.

Heavy spatters of rain added to our joy,as our breath made little steam clouds,Oh ,the pleasures of Winter fishing against sitting at home near the fire.Baits out,hide in the cabin with heater running ,drinking tea.This was more like it !!.So on until 1.30.pm. When the tide and wind eased off a bit,and I'm blowed the sun came out.Out came the Directors chair,and tucked in behind the cabin,I settled down for a little snooze.Not a ruddy chance,we were pestered by fish after fish,In the next two hour period ending at 3,30 when we decided to call it Quits,we brought aboard.6 dogfish;4 Pollack;1.blonde Ray;and 6 Bass. That made up for most of our blank days during the summer.All fish were put back out of gratitude for our luck.Roll on the next Winter expedition.!!..jack wink.gif


Out came the Directors chair,and tucked in behind the cabin,I settled down for a little snooze.




Do you actually remember putting the fish back or had they all gone when you woke up?


Gordon H biggrin.gif


The Ray of course was largest at about 2.5 k.Nothing astounding,but nice all the same.

Gordon ,You swine !!.Andy had to give me a tranqualizer when it was all over,.Jack


All that time spent practising technique only seems to have paid off. I feel someone should warn the fish!


Well done, Jack and Andy. I can see we'll all be trying to blag marks from you in the future. wink.gif




Yes MIke, it was caught on a fillet 14cms long, 4cms wide, tapering to 2cms. Dropped to the bottom with a 700g sinker. I believe they were fishing in 32 metres of water, but it still took about 9 minutes to land!


Mike you have discovered my secret !. I cant find any way to type fractions that ends up looking correct,is there a place on the keyboard that lets you select fractions?..jack biggrin.gif

Mike, you truly are as mad as a fish, and undeed, up the hat shop.



Your just jealous Rich laugh.gif

Any way dude, there is a direct relationship to IQ and sense of humour and I have a feeling your sense of humour and IQ aint too far from mine which last time I did the mensa thingy was 130.

As they say in the Inns of Court "It takes one to know one dear"


Mad Mike


Well Paul at least there is One sane member among us [did you notice that Mike never included a fraction in his 0.5 baked reply ]. How do you store your fraction symbol,where you can copy and paste it conveniently..[or is that like revealing your best fishing mark ?...cheers jack


You Bloody tell them Terry.Old Gits like me are fed up with people just not bothering to use correct English.Our population is becoming "mongrelised".let's at least try to keep the language.We dont need "jolly good show,chaps,"just the basics. ....[ gets down from soap box. ].. dry.gif jack


laugh.gif Jack,


I just searched on Google and found it used, so cut and pasted it. ( Didn't even know it existed until you mentioned wanting one ! ).




"correct spelling, punctuation and grammer" - laugh.giflaugh.gif

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