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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having spent all day yesterday moving my daughter from one top floor flat in Brighton to another up even more stairs............I had to get a few hours 'headspace' today before the return to work tomorrow.


With NW winds forecast and a gentle neap tide, the most sheltered place I could think of with any prospects of a catch was Lepe......... with deep water close inshore........ and over the 'magical' 8 C, bass possible!


Mike Fox brought a box of squid and jopined Gastronaught for a leisurely start at 10.30 in sunshine and only slightly fresh westerly........ a cruise down tide and down wind to Lepe, on the drop off near the buoy .............and then past as struggled to get a grip!, just as the doggies came on the feed!!


Repositioned; higher up the slope did the trick but bites were slow and hard to come by [ the hiatus of the year] and the wind steadily increased ....... from 3 through 4 and 5 and topped out at 6..........with more West than forecast gave a bumpy roll about and a slow trip back trying to'tuck' inshore [ but little different!].


Cobwebs completely blown away........a few doggies for a meal..and pretty relaxed to face the week. Interesting to watch lifeboat being launced at Lymington just after we got the boat out!


Thanks Mike for the company and bringing the only successful bait!!






Thanks for taking me out Alun!


It was great to get out, and even if the cod were not playing, at least the pouting had flown south to join the swallows somewhere distant.


Blusterous it might have been, but it was good to get a rod wet, and if we can catch fish on a day like this (and eat butties pretty constantly for 5 hours, suggesting a challenge to the Lardy Boys is on the cards!), it means the coming season is going to be a good one.


Shame my old faithful trick of getting a bite from a quality fish failed for once (putting a coffee cup between my knees and pouring coffee into it), but was really impressed at your skill of biting into a sandwich while the rod-top waggled. While techniques like these remain in our armoury, even the February doldrums can be beaten.


A good day out Alun, great company, and thanks again.




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