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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

While I'm waiting for the house to sell I figured I have time to tie some rigs, ready for when I do get the boat down to Poole, in Conwy I can fish with Shrimp rigs all year, with or without bait is my only question, Since I don't go chasing Tope or Ling nothing heavy needed, can any one advise a hand full of setups that will cover the year, Bream rigs no problem, we don't have Bream up here. But as to the rest ????

Edited by Shropfisher

Simple really. Fish with what you are happy with, if it doesnt catch, ask later. Basic dropper rigs ie shrimp rigs will catch all manner of species. I recently won a lure only comp with just that dropper shrimp rigs. They will take all manner of fish, including specimens of certain species like wrasse or pout.


With pure bottom dwellers, fish a similar rig, like a three hook trailing rig, with attracters and see what it throws up. As soon as you see what your mark supplies, hone your rigs accordingly!!!






While I would not like to disagree with Rich who certainly knows his rigs and catches a lot of various species on them. biggrin.gif


You may wish to remember that Club comps are fished with a maximum of 2 hooks on one or two rods.

If you are preparing traces then a selection of one or two hook rigs would be usefull.


IMHO keeping it simple works fine


Charlie biggrin.gif


Thanks Guys, just the answer I needed, I like the simple life, and as I usually have Wife, Daughters etc on board, The Shrimp rigs are easy and I get to spend time with a rod in my hand. Loooking forward to the move.



Shrimp rigs will catch most things in their day, but the South Coast does offer serious sport with larger species that respond better to more targetted approaches. You say you don't 'do' tope, of which there are plenty, but the rays and smoothhounds are worth playing with on light gear. A simple 50lb b.s 3ft flowing trace to a strong 3/0 or 4/0, baited with crab (hounds), sandeel, mackerel (rays) or squid (both species) could give you an exciting ten minute tussle. Just don't leave the rod unattended, hounds are masters of hit and run tactics.




Chucking in my 2p (based on my rig wallet)..........


1. simple running ledger to either single hook or double hook - I find that fishing a double hook well is better than 2 single hook set up with one or both rods in the holder! Personally I use a 3 way swivel to create my 'dropper' and keep it short and 2" further than it's length from the weight etc


2. helicopter rigs (see previous posts) - excellent for all drift fishing with both single hook and pennel snoods; live or dead bait and they really do make a huge difference over the 'standard' ball lead or other running ledger. Worth the effort to make up a few and store carefully.


3. plaice rigs - let your imagination run wild!


4. single hook simple paternoster for wrasse - be prepared to loose a few!


5. 1 up / 1 down bream rigs.


6. I tend to make flying collar rigs up from scratch as and when required - they are simple and tend to have to be remade a few times anyway in a days wrecking!


I have to admit I don't do species hunts etc and rarely use any form of scratching rig unsure.gif I am however absolutely convinced that coloured leads, snood lengths and good rig design can both reduce tangles and increase catch rates - but you have to fish them well too!


Fir your Plaice rigs, its important to keep the bait reasonably close to the bottom, so either a 1/2 oz (scuse the huge figures.......cant cut n paste the small one from Paul D's post wink.gif ) drilled oval or ball weight between the beads close to the hook bait. This ensures bait bang in front of the fish' eyes when drifting over mussel beds or shingle banks. Killer method. Check out the Sea Dangler article Billy and I featured in last year, the one which also featured a certain England international who blanked, but asked anglers if he could pose with their catches......bad show!!!





  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Guys, Great info, When I say I don't do Tope, I have in the past,charter boats out of most ports around the UK, everything from Plaice to 3lb of lead in 400foot of water, Now I go as light as I can, Started with the Fly fishing, once I mastered catching them I moved lighter and lighter, lightest set up so far was 2 weight rod, 6lb leader, and a very fit 15lb Rainbow caught on a size 12 buzzer.

I'll work on your ideas thanks.

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