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Someone put up an article about skate and rays and that there was only one type of skate all the others were rays. Iv looked through the forum and can't seem to find it anybody help??





funny - saw the Tom was responding to a thread on Skate and imagined he was recomending use of a 6lb class rod and a FS reel for soe bizzarre reason...........I clearly need a drink too

funny - saw the Tom was responding to a thread on Skate and imagined he was recomending use of a 6lb class rod and a FS reel for soe bizzarre reason...........I clearly need a drink too

Bet it could be done ........ laugh.gif


I believe skate and ray's are different spicies of the same genus. Skate being a specific stand alone species of the Ray family.


This being the case then there should be a separate category for each species rather than a generic category for Rays.


Mad Mike

I believe skate and ray's are different spicies of the same genus. Skate being a specific stand alone species of the Ray family.


This being the case then there should be a separate category for each species rather than a generic category for Rays.


Mad Mike



The club records are for specific species ( as in Ray - Thornback ).

The only bone of contention is that strictly speaking this should be "Skate - Thornback".


Either way they are the same fish.


To my knowledge we haven't got a generic category for Rays.


Thornbacks are quite definitely members of the taxonomic group RAY

As too are Skate. If it makes it any clearer a skate is a member of the Ray Genus.

Therefore one can not correctly say 'A thornback skate'. To be correct it has to be a 'Thornback RAY'


The word Ray derives from the Latin 'Raja' which is the denomination given to the ray family. The whole grouping so far discovered is ......


Ocellate skate, Raja ackleyi Garman, 1881

African ray, Raja africana Capap


I quote from the linked page ( Shark Trust )


"The problem is made more difficult by the fact that many of the species around the UK coastline are misnamed. For example, the thornback ray is actually a skate!"


It is indeed called commonly a Thornback Ray but the point I was trying to make is that it is not actually a Ray as it does not give birth to live young.


Agreed, Skates and Ray are members of the Rajidae family but a Thornback just so happens to be a skate and not a ray.


"Historically, all the skate and ray species were contained in a single genus (Raja)"



Skates (order Rajiformes):




Good bit of research chaps!


All I wanted to know was if I really got lucky out on one of the new marks (as recently shared on here), if I was going to smash the club record for Thornback Ray or Thornback Skate (etc) ...


After all, it wouldn't do to be taxonomically incorrect now, would it....




Mike F,


In answer to you question the answer is Thornback Ray as we use common names.

However, it is really a skate........ ( I will put the scientific names on some time )


Been studying Fishbase ( amongst others ) as nothing on the TV and weather is awful etc. etc.


Sorry but I totally disagree with you M. Mike ...... weep.gif


If it makes it any clearer there is no such thing as a "Ray" genus


Skates and Rays are not different species of the same genus.

The genus Raja is in fact all Skates.

The family is Rajidae which is Skates and Rays.


Where's a biology teacher when you need one eh laugh.gif






The species are classed as follows :-


KINGDOM = Metazoa ( Animals )



Order = RAJIFORMES = SKATES and Rays

Family = Rajidae ( Skates and Rays)

Genus = Raja (Skates)



What fish are "really" rays then ?


The Ray orders are



MYLIOBATIFORMES = Stingrays and Eagle Rays






References ( If in doubt )


Taxonomic Group

Wilkipedia - Rajidae






See what I mean smile.gif




What a forum laugh.gif



What Banter laugh.gif



What diverse knowledge abounds in the minds of the simple boat angler - rolleyes.gif



Thank god for the internet I say biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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