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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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hidden deep in the main document is the news that the Govenrment will implement the changes re derogation on 1 November 2008 - after due consultation as to how etc etc


This seems a reasonable period for both personal adjustment and appropriate consultation.


And to..;.. Buy lots of tissues.

Learn lots of new swear words about the E.U.

Get several good sets of oars.[contact job centre for Polish workers,said to be cheap, and efficient too.]

Look at the possabilities of adding a sail.

Explore closer fishing options,i.e, Cobbs marina,or Salterns[which is better ? ]


Or just "bite the Bullet". Top up your Diesel boat and "off road Juggernaught",and carry on supporting our wonderful country. laugh.giflaugh.gif jack




the implemetation of any EU compliant solution lies 100% with this government and is nothing to do with the EU.


bottom line - EU says you have to add about 13p/pl duty to comply with EU regulations






what actually happens is another matter.....................

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