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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went west a bit from Poole to try for Bream at ballard. Several boats in the area and all caught nowt sad.gif

Tried a few drifts around the Poole patches and nowt.


Then whilst trying a drift or three past Brownsea up to the fuel barge we heard very expensive noises coming to a very abrupt halt as a palstic and chrome plated floating tart trap came to a sudden halt. We watched him drift for a few minutes but it was obvious he was not able to restart and was now in the main channel.

So we went over and offered assistance. The chromium plated tart was very pleasant but had no idea tha anything was wrong. The two blokes were morose and new bugger all. No anchor, no VHF, no life jackets, and a 20 foot length of rope with more knots in it than a pine floor. ohmy.gifdry.gif

Took them in tow to Salterns through a stampede of powerboats racing for the bridge, much frantic arm waving and pointing later we got them into a berth and told him to seek out the berthing master. (the guy actually came from Christchurch). As I turned around and came back past him he waved us over, pulled out a HUGE roll of bank notes and gave us



Glad you managed to assist, I'd call that a result, at least he wont be going out again hopefully very soon.

I just worry, when these things are working, and open up the throttle....


Not exactly 'catch and release' though, because you took him home.... laugh.giflaugh.gif



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