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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Gastronaught joined in the hunt for early bream earlier this morning.


First trip out from Mudeford for a few months showed the big changes in the route over the Bar ........ this could get 'interesting' as summer gets busy, as there is now a narrow little channel, tight in to the end of the quay and close to those fishing of the car park.


7.15 am and a familiar shape on the slip; Adam launching OotB, in a hurry to catch the water disappearing from the harbour, with Rachel as crew, only just recogniseable under many layers of insulation. Adam threw her onboard and was off before we had unclipped the trailerboard......into the misty, cold fog.


With the last of the ebb, Gastronaught made a [wrong]call and spent a couple of hours on the Rough and found nowt but pout! ...and one stray pollack ....and very little flow of tide ........but at least the sun had appeared. A move of spot did little to improve things, so we headed off to the Ledge............ and found OotB, Aquafresh and a few charters .... and later joined by Sheila Marie and several others.


Despite deploying plenty of good bait, we couldn't find the bream; wrasse aplenty but the dashing quarry evaded us......so last hour of our morning session was a quick stop on the other side ......... and one cracking result..... a PB for Paul, with a beaut of 4lb. 7oz. all dressed in blue!.


Great day to get out....... with the weather changing every 5 mins.




Lovely bream for Paul there, that is the same size as the one I won the 48hr comp with last year.


We had no sign of bream today. Was hoping they would come on the feed during the ebb but nothing showing.


Had a nice 5lb 8oz bass today though.


Should have got Mike to reel it up for you ohmy.gif


We had wrasse, bass and doggies and was a nice pleasant day out with George and Mike Fox. Unfortunately couldnt christen Georges new rod with a decent bream ( well any bream ).


Hoped to fish the mark when I swung around onto it on the ebb but some other boat got in the way unsure.giftongue.gif


Thanks for a great day out Alun, and another PB

Amazing how these big bream go - as soon as it was on, I knew it was different to all the wrasse we'd been playing with all day... . We tried squid and ragworm cocktails, squid strips only, and the bream went to a boomed paternoster pennel rig, with plain old ragworm - Pooles finest, hand dug last wednesday....


The ancient penn and the cheapjack 12lb class rod does it again!!!


Thanks for being the skipper again and having me along - I was frazzled after a long day afloat on my own boat, and needed the uplift... and change of scene


Many Thanks and good luck for the comp.






Good day to be out on Neo with Paul, and see him get a good bass. It's good to catch fish again...even if it was just wrasse for me (best 3lb 2oz).


Oh, and a magnificent dory that put up a tremendous struggle. Managed to get it moving quite well, but eventually the trace parted after over 5 minutes. Honestly thought I was going to get it all the way in, cos I remember being worried the net was too small. Amazing how much power you can get from an Ugly Stik Spin.....eh Paul J.... Gutted, cos there doesn't appear to be a club record for a dory either.


Well done on the PB Alan, well deserved after those bleak winter trips!


Cheers again Paul for a good trip. Shame about those bream though....


Mike and George


As a footnote, I measured the Bass using my new BASS tape measure. The fish was showing an estimated weight from the length of 5 lb. Pretty accurate as the fish weighed 5lb 8oz. ( It had been gourging itself on my groundbait ).


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