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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Following Fisheagles abortive attempt to join the Easter Weekend towaway to Weymouth (due to cooling problems-now resolved). I hope to come down again and make our maiden fishing trip over the May Bank Holiday Weekend 5/6/7th.

Thinking of trying Ringstead or Kimmeridge for a few bream and anything else that is about. Never fished either of these areas before so any advice on possible locations would be much appreciated by myself and Hotshot (Dave from New Milton) who hopes to join me.


if your comming down, why not just go from xchurch? a quick blast once your out of the run and your on some of the best breaming marks in the country (xchurch ledge). Will also catch good wrass, and will have a chance of a big bully, bass and pollock! Ive given Dave a few numbers a while back!


I've no idea about fishing out of Ringstead or Kimmeridge so i can't be aby help there! Hopefully some other members will leave some feedback for you, as to how and where you fish this area!





Afraid I do not have my numbers with me and I am working up in London this weekend but I will pm you some numbers next week if I can get my book. I fish the Weymouth/Kimmeridge area a lot (my parents live at Ringstead) and we have had some good success this year - 4 bream over 4 pounds a couple of weeks ago!


I may even be fishing down there myself over the bank holiday and would be happy to point you in the right direction.


I'll be in touch next week.




Thanks Danny,but my boat is in Weymouth and I usually launch from Portland. I should have indicated this in my posting. I do hope to get over that way and meet up with a few other members in Summer when I take my Orkney 520 over to BHG in Lymington to have a few jobs done. So any info you would be willing to share would be put to good use then. I do have charts of the area so I could do a bit of homework before hand and with luck arrange a session when you are able to get out. Once again many thanks.



Hi Mike sounds like you have had some clonking bream from that area. Any help you can give would be much appreciated as you obviously know the area well. Have sent a pm with my contact nos as when I come down to Weymouth we stay at Bowleaze Cove at Waterside where we have a caravan and I don't have ready access to a computer. If you are out over the Bank Holiday Weekend I'm sure we can arrange to make contact. Can you let me know your boat/contact details?

Many Thanks. Allan.


I was Kayaking out of Ringstead last Sunday.


It's not a place for launching a 520 from a trailer. You have to cross a sand and pebble beach. Just off shore (50-100yds) there are two small reefs which are exposed at low water.


If you want to launch a boat then Kimmeridge is the place. Just be warey of any SW winds as this makes retreiving the boat on the slip "interesting blink.gif "...


Excellent inshore reefs for bass, especially to the east as you exit Kimmeridge Bay.

Or go west and head for Lulworth Banks.




Thanks Bob all adds to the information that is starting to come in. Had a look at the slip at Kimmeridge last year and as you say it could be interesting given certain conditions also abit concerned about security. Will probably stick to Portland and sail round. I know its longer but better to be safe than sorry. Have focused on Kimmeridge as Frank Morris has had some good fish off there. Yet to try Lulworth or the Mupe Bay area because of the ranges as I will be going out mainly mid week so still plenty to explore with lots of potential. Haven't got my charts up here as they are on the boat. Are the two areas you mention to the east and west obvious on the chart?


Very close to one of Mike's ringstead marks is a mark which produces Gilthead bream, later in the season. With the early arrival of big big Blacks, this year I am anticipating some good giltheads down there too. We may see you on the briny over that weekend........just look out for two lardy lads scoffing bacon butties wink.gif




Mike...I'll bring that box down next time, and mesage you OK?? Regards, Rich


Thanks everyone. I had been told that Guiltheads can be caught in Portland Harbour around July but it gets very busy with the Lazers and other boats going everywhere in the summer. Nice to know there are other spots to try and a lot closer to home. Seems that there could be a few out over the holiday weekend if the weather is kind so I'll put out a call on Channel 6 to see where everyone is. Hope to see you out there. Allan.


Just a by the by, Portland harbour is now privately owned and not part of HM Dockyards any more. You have to pay to use it. I don't know how much it is this year but a man comes whizzing round in a RIB and takes your money. At the entrances there are big signs showing the tariff.


Mad Mike


Allan, the giltheads in the harbour are mainly in shallow water, and being very easily spooked, they are hard to bag. The method in the harbour is drifting. The method over near Ringstead is anchoring up, but historically, you have to be bang on the numbers!!! Even then, they are few and far between, but with the huge numbers of Blacks showing this season, I anticipate bigger shoals of Gilts.




A big thanks to every one who has helped out with this, especailly Mike Y who very kindly phoned through some information this morning about possible fishing marks. So subject to the weather this weekend I should be out there with a few others and will let you know how we get on.


Have only caught a few Giltheads over the years, and must admit I do prefer them for the pot than black bream.


According to the Salcombe fishermen, a shoal got in there over 10 years ago by accident, and they never left over the shallow bar in the entrance. They have continued growing, and nets have had them over 10lb in weight. Anglers get the odd one or two as well - but my attempts over the years have all drawn blanks.


Can't imagine the fight of a 10lb bream!


Would be very interested in any marks for Giltheads, as this is one exotic visitor I'd love to catch more of!




Giltheads are caught relatively regularly in the Helford River - I know a few spots if anyone is ever fishing down that way. I too hope that the early good weather will bring in a few more exotics this year.


Allan good luck over the weekend - I hope the bream are out in force. I'll maybe see you on the water on Sunday although I am likely to be pretty close inshore in my new aluminium boat rather than the Warrior unless the weather gets too good to resist. I hope to read a post next week saying how successful you have been - keep the references to marks general though or I'll never be able to get on them in the future!!


Rich - please do pm if you come down. I'd love to pick up the box - I am embarassed at how long it has taken to pay and collect - the interest charge must be mounting!




No worries Mike, Dad has been ill, as isnt too good again, so I wont be launching out of weymouth for a while, I'm sorry to say. I will however, give you abell over the next week, just to confer regarding recent catches.......I have some good gen for you.



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