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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After a 4am start from home, we deserved a good day yesterday and, by cracky, we got it. Pete and I had collected worms from Alec and launched by 07.00 onto a flat Poole harbour. It was a little lumpier outside but nothing to get excited about but was without the sun we were promised earlier, in fact it was quite chilly out on the briney. An uneventful steam westwards brought us to our chosen spot (having lost all my marks when the satnav went u/s, the exact spot was a guess) and were soon joined by a Poole charter boat, which was reassuring. Couldn't see the name but it was white with a web page address on the side. After dropping some berley with my Secret Weapon Berley Bomb, we were immediately into action. Pete, of course started with a doggie. I don't know how he does it but I'm sure he could find one in his bathtub. It was then fairly steady bream action for the remainder of the ebbing tide. They were good fish, as opposed to the super sized ones which have been appearing lately; 1 - 3lb, but welcome nonetheless. Stangely, they were about 98% females so the culinary side suffered as I tend to put these back. Also putting in regular appearances were mackerel, either taken on the bream baits or a quick opportunistic chuck of the feathers.


As the tide went through slack to the change, things quietened down so we thought a change to a fairly reliable ray mark might ring the changes and headed back towards Poole. With the change came bright sunshine and flat seas so things were definitely looking up.Having selected my spot (guess work again), the ray rods were deployed but remained untouched, apart from being pestered by doggies. As one of the bream rods still had some worm and squid attached, I thought I'd give it a chuck. Good call! 50 - 60 bream later, again 'good' fish, we were happy, knacked with aching backs (?) and had not even been able to stop for a brew. Throughout the day, we had experienced many double shots which helped the final tally. Again, they were nearly all females so we had about

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