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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took a new Member and novice angler Paul Rowcliffe out of Christchurch on Sunday am.



We first tried for some Mackerel in front of the Coastguard hut- but no Joy.

We then thew some Plugs looking for Bass- But no joy.


Got out to the Ledge and on the spot for the start of the Ebb where we got a couple of good Bream including the 4lb 4oz but after this things slowed.

Having lost my Berley Bomb i couldn't put down any groundbait and the tide was running pretty hard anyway.


Moved off to Southbourne and was able to use the Plastic bag method of groundbaiting as the tide had slowed.


This brought on some smaller Bream, a small Pollack, a 6lb conger, and loads of doggies which kept us busy for the last hour.


all in all a great day out in nice conditions and a few fish thrown in for good measure.


It was great to be able to put Paul R on his first bream




PJ, thanks very much for the great intro to Bream. Sunday dinner was baked sea bream (balearics style), better than a roast anyday...... and to cap it off, the Cowes trip produced two "almost" mackerel only.


Thanks again for a great day out and here's looking for good weather on Monday!


All the best,


Paul R (Peegeer)

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