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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Came round the corner of Old Harry on Saturday morning into a Westerly F4-5, with white horses, but blue skies and SUNSHINE !!!!


Carried on round to Swanage Bay, and picked a spot inshore of all of the charter boats out of the peak of the flooding tide - but still close to our target mark, and in the lee of Anvil Point.


Set the 5kg Bruce-clone anchor in 55' or so after dragging it merrily for a while, but then snuggled into the shelter of the canvas spray hood and started dropping squid baits, and the odd pot of chopped squid as groundbait.


Carol had her new left hand drive Ambassador 6501 to play with, and christened it in fine style with 3 smoothhounds - all male, Common and Starrys. All returned for another day.


George and I could only manage dogfish - same baits, same hooks, the lot! I cut the trace of a badly hooked one, as I couldn't find my long-nosed pliars, and George hauled in another doggie about 10 minutes later. It had swallowed the hook, and when I tried to remove it I found two - same size, identical patterns, same trace. It was the same fish I had returned !! It then was returned (again) hook free.


A lazy rod used with hokkais, dexters or mini-feathers eventually managed 4 mackerel, but they were very thin on the ground. It was tough out there!


Loads of bites from mini-bream (or similar) but they couldn't cope with the 1/0 hooks and biggish baits we were using.


The wind didn't drop to the promised "variable 3 or less", and in fact increased to SSW5-6 during the afternoon as a sea breeze tried to kick in.


We eventually turned and headed for Poole, with revised plans for our next visit!


Mike, Carol, and George


We will be round thereabouts on Sunday Mike so lets hope it's a bit more settled than F5 gusting 6 as I like me comforts smile.gif


I have some frozen mackerell and squid but from what you say picking up fresh bait is going to be difficult.


Well it's going to great getting out anyway.


Mad Mike


We were out along Ballard yesterday aswell and similarly found it a bit lumpy. sick.gif

Decided to give it best as Tracey was along for the ride and fished a couple of spots in the harbour. We were troubled by lots of very small schoolie Bass which is a very good sign for the future and managed one nice plump flounder which went home for tea.

Might be trying again today. unsure.gif


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