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I think you lot down West need a little more water in your scotch laugh.gif



Trying to compete in off the wall remarks with MM will send you the same way as him.





Mike after a long career in the RN you get to be very quick at wit and some of it can be a bit sharp.


also the skin thickens to shrug off things that others find offensive in jokes and other comments.



I have friends who had to be checked for sanity because of their nature and the Jobs they did [RM Armoury]


But over the last few years I have realised that trading Mad off the wall comments with you is an unfair contest. I bow to the master on these things. and remember how rapidly you accepted the tag of Mad Mike when I first used it.


Yesterdays comments were advising others to accept this Too,I hope in a friendly way.


Charlie biggrin.gif

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