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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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"Aquafresh" was still sitting on mud at the mooring when we arrived at 7.30 but by the time we had fuelled her up and waved good morning to PJ, we were afloat and set off down the harbour. Our first foray in a club match and we planned to fish our first mark till the top of the tide and then move closer inshore for the ebb.


First stop for mackerel and we put 40 in the tank in no time at all, first time this year we've had strings of mackerel instead of single fish!! "Neo" was there when we arrived and we set up for our 1st drift at 8.35. As we get to the end of the drift I feel my lively get livelier before the rod tip pulls over, "Fish on", a fish of about 4lb is soon swung into the boat, unhooked and returned. Good start smile.gif Same place on the next drift and another rod wrenching take on my bait results in a fish of about 3 1/2 lb.


A couple of quiet drifts and then Rupe hooks a proper 'un. Only half way through the drift and the fish stays deep for 3 or 4 minutes, it makes 4 or 5 short runs before appearing on the surface 15 metres off the stern. Without too many dramas I slide the net under the bass and its a good one!! Into the sling and on the scales she goes 10lb 8ozs!! Ace!!


Half a dozen drifts later a 5lber falls to my rod and then on the next run through I hook a much better fish. The head shakes from the fish stop me from gaining any line for at least 2 minutes, then I start to gain line slowly. The fish comes to the surface and thrashes the water to a foam with angry head shakes and Rupe takes advantage of the fishes anger and slides the net under another good bass. Into the sling and she goes 10lb 14ozs!! What a result!! biggrin.gif Hooked in the front of the top lip she's fighting fit as I let her go back to wreak havoc with the mackerel shoals again. As I let go of her Rupe shouts "photo!!" but its too late she's gone sad.gif


The tide dies and so does the fishing although I manage to sneak out another 4lber on the last livebait.


Head inshore and stop for bait in the same place as this morning before motoring over to our second mark. First drift and I get hit by a strong 3lber. Rupe has one of about 4lb on the next drift and then I hook a bass that feels like a bull terrier on the other end of my line. "Big Fish" I say to Rupe. It slowly moves uptide shaking its head from side to side and I can feel every movement through the braid. It turns and starts to move away from us, still with violent head shakes but now with power and weight as well. Two really hard shakes and my hooklink parts 6" from the hook weep.gif Absolutely gutted weep.gif A very big fish I'm sure sad.gif


Half an hour later Rupe has another about 4lb before we call a halt and head for home.


I think we both fished well today, ending the day with 9 bass between us including the 2 10lbers, the bass weren't feeding heavily and most of the takes were very subtle. I suspect that as the mackerel seem to have arrived in numbers that they have been gorging themselves. All of the fish we had today were in lovely condition and fat as butter!!


So a 10lb 8oz bass for Rupe and a 10lb 14oz (no photo) catch and release for me biggrin.gif


Look forward to seeing how the rest of you chaps got on,






It was a pleasure watching you catch them big fish weep.gif I must cadge a trip out on Aquafresh to learn how to fish for them more effectively.




We had one fish today, and of course, it with Little Rob that got it. Caught on a storm lure.


It topped the scales at 2lb (and no, I haven't missed out a zero). sick.gif


At least it saved the boat from blanking. sad.gif






Well done the boys on Aquafresh! biggrin.gif


Excellent report and result for the comp. laugh.gif


Expertise shows when it matters most cool.gif


Any guess as to size of the one that got away?




Great skills guys,




Me thinks you caught them all bar one mincy little fella dry.gif by the time Otter got out.


Well done.


Suggest you need to extend your crewing list to a photographer tongue.gif .


Well done Rupe and Al !


Sounds like several boats were fishing the same mark, but your experience and skills really paid off.


Part of the shock for me was that you used 40 mackerel as bait on your first spot - then ran out and had to fill the livebait tank again for your next one. I haven't seen 40 mackerel all summer.


This also tends to suggest you had many hits you didn't connect with!!!


Makes you realise the effort needed to achieve this level of success.




Tough to put an estimate on the one that got away but definately one of the strongest I've ever hooked


With your catch record that would make it a very good fish indeed Alan. wink.gif


I am glad that once again you got amongst the specimen Bass, well done boys


When I was asked to organise a bass only comp I picked a big tide in July because of your success last year.

Two 10lb plus fish seem to show that the plan worked


Charlie biggrin.gif

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