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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As I said in previous mails this years poor weather has been caused by a shift in the west to east Atlantic jet stream, and once this shift establishes it's self |(as it has done) the trend is set for at least 6 to 8 weeks.

So for those planning trips/comps here is a forcast for the next two weeks........

Wet, windy and in some areas exceptional but short lived weather phenomena like Tornados, heavy hail, thunderstorms and flash floods. This is not I am afraid a wind up it is what to expect for the next 2 weeks AT LEAST.


IMO we are not going to see a miraculous change come August the 1st and possibly no change at all until the autumnal equinox, but that's only my pessimistic feeling. Hopefully I am wrong and we get an Indian Summer in September and October. This late period of settled weather in the early autumn is one feature that is often seen after very poor summers caused by the sway in the jet stream....


Here's hoping


Mad Mike


personally I thought Charlie had done a deal with the weather gods and we can expect huge improvement from the day he launches...............












that should get you a few offers of help Charlie!


anyhow - as long as we get great settled weather for the weekend of the flat/ray comp I don't really care weep.gif

  duncan said:
personally I thought Charlie had done a deal with the weather gods and we can expect huge improvement from the day he launches...............












that should get you a few offers of help Charlie!


anyhow - as long as we get great settled weather for the weekend of the flat/ray comp I don't really care weep.gif

Well there is that explination of course. sad.gif

Has anyone noticed an increase in the number of dead cockerels with their throats cut but minus entrails? ohmy.gif


Or, and this is a long shot, a goats skull nailed to a tree somewhere around Parkstone? ohmy.gifohmy.gif


There is certainly a noticable lack of virgins in Poole, and the way to a gods heart is through sacrifice as my old Druid Master used to say smile.gif


Mad Mike


i think its clear where you got your name from Mike....


however you really dont suit the weather girl picture! had a look outside today? i see perfect blue skies, no clouds and a bakin' sun!


Even the bbc cant get it right for here! they forcasted cloud today for my postcode!



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