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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Had a friend (Nick) over from Portland to fish with me on JoJo on Saturday. We headed out of Wick at 9:30 am, not much water but enough for us! Saw shoals of fish chasing fry in the harbour, Nick wanted to cast a fly but I thought we need to keep moving + it was quite windy.


Arrived at the run for the rain to start, donned waterproofs and out we went. Charged over the ledge in to the deeper water for some Maccy. The rain was stinging and I have to wear sunnies to keep it out my eyes!


Once in the deeper water we found the Maccy quickly, Nick was determind to catch one on a fly so I fished feathers. The conditions were what I would call uncomfortable each wave was 2 ft and going was slow and we took on loads of water, kind of fun for the first 10 mins!


Drifting was not too bad but quite fast, after filling the bait well with fish and Nick getting one on the fly we headed in for shelter and a coffee.


We put out a couple of baits whilst at anchor and enjoyed the sunshine, rain, wind, not always in that order.


The sea calmed down, sun came out and wind died, couldn't have been more different.


Along came Aquafresh and they were drifting near to us, if it's good enough for them then it is more than ok for us!


So we did a few drifts, Aquafresh left and we had the area to ourselves.


Nick picked up a bass of 3lb and I had nothing, typical! Wind picked up again at 14:30 ish so fished for another hour then headed back.


Overall a good day out, only from the fact that we were able to fish relatively calm waters compared to the bait collection in the morning.


Nice to be out and some of the Maccy went down well at a family BBQ on Sunday.







Unfortunatley not it was mackerel.


Though I think I will take a fly rod out now as standard kit, an 8oz mackerel looked good fun on the fly!



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