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hello and greetings smile.gif


i have just recently got back into fishing and enjoying immensly biggrin.gif

my m8 has a boat and weve been out a few times and caught a few fish nothing to write home about smile.gif apart from my 2lb bass dosnt sound like much but a pb for me lol smile.gif

we also had a good day out doggie bashing (all returned) but since then nothing smile.gif

want to catch bigger now want to catch cod/conga /ray/anything big tbh smile.gif


i have read through the forum and there is some good tips and ideas and the knots section is fantastic smile.gif


i hope to join and come along to a meeting soon as i cant wait to get good advice on tackle and places to fish


any way thats about it thought id say hi biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


biggrin.gifrolleyes.gifsmile.gifph34r.gifbiggrin.gif <<<<nothing to do with happy pills but a bottle of smirnoff goes a long way to help biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


as for what i do i do nothing as im retired due to ilness although im only 34 biggrin.gif

married 2kids and the token dog no motherinlaw jokes plz:)


i live in poole town centre originally from scotland a wee place called falkirk


i fished up in scotland but mainly rivers,got into sea fishing last year my fatherinlaw to blame,we were talking about getting a boat last year but nothing materialised due to the fact kids and wife=money soakers:)


any way my m8 has bought a boat this year and weve been going out with him been a real hoot but we need some guidance and advice biggrin.gif


his boat is a 16ft raider with 70 engine on it

thats about it smile.gif


ok, i will help out where i can. Let me know if and when you plan to launch this way and i will PM you some areas/marks that may be of help. It may also be worth joining the club, getting to know a few of the lads and also trying to get a buddy boat to follow out rolleyes.gif


me and my m8s are going to come along to the next meeting and hopefully join and meet a few of the lads biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


ill give u a p.m if i can talk my m8 which shouldnt be a problem into steaming on over that way


thx for the reply and help biggrin.gif

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