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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With Saturday due to be so flat a plan was hatched to visit a big fish mark as the tide started to ebb. We left the pontoon at 6, so that would give us 3 hours of the flood on the banker mark.


As crew I had Cam a friend and good all round angler that likes to have a few trips every year and especially likes float fishing for bass. Livelies were secured in quick order on the edge of the ledge and we made our way over there. We were the first boat there and I felt confident of a fish straight away. The first drift produced a cuttle fish for Cam that I managed to get him to manoeuvre to the side of the boat so that it could squirt him before letting go of the mackerel laugh.gif Priceless!!! I'm sure them cuttles look for the whites of your eyes before firing laugh.gif


A vicious take on the next drift results in a 5lber in the net and then I manage to sneak out another 5lber and a 3lb fish while Cam takes two drifts to retie a complete rig. He manages to fish a drift and hooks a 4 lb torpedo! Gives him the right run around before being scooped up in the net. Two and a half hours have passed already and the tide loses its strength giving us a longer time with baits in the hotspot, Cams float disappears and I look up at the curve of his rod, my rod's wrenched round and I've got one on too biggrin.gif I scoop Cams fish up in the net while my fish refuses to come off the bottom, with both hands on the rod I get her up and she heads uptide at a rate of knots, a few heavy lunges followed by head shakes and she rolls into the net. 8lb 8oz of fin perfect, superbly conditioned fish that Cam failed to catch on camera due to not pressing the button on the camera dry.gif


A couple of other boats arrive and I know our time is limited, half a dozen drifts with just one more fish of 3lb to me and we cut and run.


Heading 17 miles offshore at 29.4 knots, engine trimmed right up, a flat sea and the warm sun beating down on us, we're there in what seems like no time at all. The boils on the surface are forming nicely as the ebb increases in speed over the structure and it seems like we've timed it just right. We have a practice drift just to see what the tide is doing to us and then set up to fish. As the floats reach the hotspot , mine buries and a fish is on! The fish on this mark really like slugging it out on or near the surface (this is in 17 metres of water) and this ones no exception. The water is thrashed to a foam 30 yards astern and she comes grudgingly to boat, Cam slides the net under her and I'm sort of dissappointed to see a fish of "only" 7lb. Fought like a fish twice its size!!


A couple of follows as we retrieve then a fish of 3 1/2lb keep the interest up but it would appear that the big fellas are either not here yet or have already eaten. We head closer to home and have 4 drifts on an inshore mark without success and call it a day at 2.30pm. Not too bad, 9 fish in total with a best of 8-8 on the day.


Sunday saw me and Rupe head out at 7.00, the mackerel obliged but the bass not so easily. 3 hours and we have only had one each, a lovely fish of 8lb 4oz for Rupe and one of 3lb for me. The wind is increasing all the time so we decide to leave before the change of tide and that wind against tide thing sick.gif


Six drifts further inshore produce nothing so we move to see if theres anything on the "shallows". Shallows is relative but as this mark is only 12ft deep so its shallow to us! Four fish to me and we head for home in the increasingly brisk south westerly and Rupe feeling like he's coming down with something.


Not a bad weekend all in all with a total of 15 fish on "Aquafresh" over the two days with the two 8lbers top of the list, one for Rupe and one for me, ACE!!!







nice fishing m8 biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


my total was a line full of mackies 1 nice black bream and a broken rod and busted knuckle for my troubles tongue.gifbiggrin.gif not one of my best trips ph34r.gif


onwards and upwards oh how i dream to pull a fish more than 1lb 5 oz lol biggrin.gif


Good skills once again, particularly as general reports say that the silvers are a bit thin on the ground for the second year running.


Sharpen you hooks, I'm out next week......... laugh.gif

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